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Private Messages

Jensen Ackles
Alaina, hear me out

Jensen Ackles
Baby, please

Jensen Ackles
Please, I love you so much let's talk

Alaina Ackles
About what, Jensen? Maybe you could tell me what you've been doing while I'm gone, oh even better! How about you tell me how Daneel is doing?

Jensen Ackles
It's not so simple, hear me out

Alaina Ackles
Oh, it's not? Sorry I was over complicating your cheating, go on

Jensen Ackles
Don't be like that, I swear it's not what you think

Alaina Ackles
It's not? Then please explain what it is

Jensen Ackles
That's what I'm trying to do!

Alaina Ackles
You know what Jensen, I'm coming back and I'm driving the twins up to Vancouver with me in a few days.

Jensen Ackles
What? Why? Where did that even come from?

Alaina Ackles
I won't risk them being around Daneel. And I definitely won't let them hold back the reunited family.

Jensen Ackles
Alaina, don't. Please, I swear I never meant for this to happen.

Jensen Ackles

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