Inner Panic Attacks

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@alainacharles love the look my character got today! #firstday #havinginnerpanicattacks thanks Gen for taking this pic!

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@alainacharles love the look my character got today! #firstday #havinginnerpanicattacks thanks Gen for taking this pic!

179,982 likes, 57,841 comments

@misha  you're the best love interest I could ask for (on tv ofc) great job today!

@jensenackles wow 😍 you're gorgeous

@luvjelaina I'm so jealous of her!!!


@nowandgen Jared leave them alone! Also you look great!!

@jarpad I always look great 😉😊

@nowandgen not you jar!! What a doof

@alainacharles you guys are honestly goals! I hope my relationship will be liek yours!

@jensenackles ew! I don't wanna be like Jared!

@misha yeah! Jensen wants to be like Vicki and I!

@alainacharles 😂🤦🏻‍♀️🙏🏼 I'm so done with y'all

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