Audition Offer

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Private chat

Jensen Ackles
Hey, Alaina! I was going to wait to message you but I couldn't wait any longer.

Alaina Charles
Sorry, I don't talk with strangers ;)

Jensen Ackles
Well you just did.

Alaina Charles

Alaina Charles
What can I do for you? Mr.Famous actor

Jensen Ackles
How'd you know I was a famous actor?

Alaina Charles
Well you can't possibly expect me to message you without checking out your account first?

Jensen Ackles
Did you enjoy stalking?

Alaina Charles
Very much. It's easy when the victim has a pretty face. Back in topic, what's your actual reason for your dm?

Jensen Ackles
I saw your audition video and thought that you were a really good actress. Maybe if your audition didn't work out you'll think about a part in the show I'm on?

Alaina Charles
Well that depends on the script and location..  I'd have to speak with my manager

Jensen Ackles
Well until then, the show is called supernatural. It's about two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who hunt down and kill monsters.

Alaina Charles
Who would I play?

Jensen Ackles
Your part would probably play this angel named Dina. She plays a big help for the brother and is another angel, Castiel's, love interest. Look into it. I'll tell someone from my show to talk with you.

Alaina Charles
Okay, I'll think about it.

Alaina Charles
Thanks for the offer!

Jensen Ackles
No problem, hope I get to see you soon.

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