First Day

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Private Messages

Jensen Ackles
Hey! Guess what today is!!

Alaina Charles
What's today?

Jensen Ackles
Did you really forget?!?!

Alaina Charles
Omg ofc I didn't! I'm about to throw up! I'm so nervous!!!

Jensen Ackles
You have no reason to be nervous! You're such a great actress and I know you'll do great!

Alaina Charles
But it's my first day! What if I mess up a bunch!

Jensen Ackles
We tend to have a pretty chill feel when shooting. It won't be a big deal if you mess up!

Alaina Charles

Alaina Charles
I know but I just get so anxious sometimes😕

Jensen Ackles
Hey listen, you're gonna do great. You doubt yourself so much and I don't get it! You're a talented beautiful woman, you should know that!

Alaina Charles
Aww thank you Jensen!!!!! I can't wait to see you today 💓

Jensen Ackles
I can't wait to see you either. My eyes need to be blessed again.

Alaina Charles
Be careful Ackles or you may get more than you were asking for after shooting. 😏😉

Jensen Ackles
Hmm maybe that's what I wanted 😏

Alaina Charles
Get out of here Ackles! 😂but for real I can't wait to see you.  I've missed you so much!

Jensen Ackles
I've missed you too. We should all go out tonight to celebrate your first day!!

Alaina Charles
Great idea but who's we all? Lol

Jensen Ackles
Me, you, Jared, Gen, Misha, whoever else wants to go also?

Alaina Charles
Sounds great! See you soon 😘

Jensen Ackles
See you soon babe.

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