Just Friends

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Private Messages

Jensen Ackles
Hey, Misha.

Misha Collins
Hey, J. Whats up?

Jensen Ackles
I have a question and I need you to be 100% honest.

Misha Collins
Yeah, of course. What is it?

Jensen Ackles
Is there something more going on between you and Alaina?

Misha Collins
No, wheres this coming from?

Jensen Ackles
Don't ask, just be honest

Misha Collins
I swear to you that Alaina and I are just friends.

Jensen Ackles
Are you absolutely certain?

Misha Collins
Jensen, is this about the comments on spn's post?

Jensen Ackles
No it's about everything

Misha Collins
What do you mean?

Jensen Ackles
For 1, you guys act so close with each other

Misha Collins
We're just good friends.

Jensen Ackles
but the way you guys kiss on the show, I know you're "just acting" but it looks so real. Like you have more than just friendly feelings for each other.

Misha Collins
I don't know what to tell you, Jensen. Alaina and I are nothing more than friends and colleagues.

Jensen Ackles
For sure?

Misha Collins
Yes for sure. I would never do that to you. I know how much you care for her.

Jensen Ackles
I more than care for her. I think I'm in love with her.

Misha Collins
Exactly! So why would I do that to you!

Jensen Ackles
I don't know I guess..

Misha Collins
Plus I have my own wife and we have West and Maison together! I am happily married with a family.

Jensen Ackles
Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, Mish.

Misha Collins
No! You're fine I get it! I would feel taht way too if I had to watch you make out with my wife almost everyday.

Jensen Ackles
No, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have accused you like that.

Misha Collins
It's no biggy! Really! Now Maison is asking me to play pirate tea party 😂 I gotta go!

Jensen Ackles
Bye Misha!

Misha Collins
Bye J!

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