Back With You

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@jensenackles Finally back with my JJ after the best 2 weeks ever! I've missed you every day we're apart!

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@jensenackles Finally back with my JJ after the best 2 weeks ever! I've missed you every day we're apart!

2,728,727 likes, 201,739 comments

@fanacc father/daughter goals!

@alainacharles I'm so happy to spend my life with you!

@randomacc awww Alaina is a good wife I can tell

@coolboi it's Alaina ofc she's a good wife

@misha Welcome back brothaaa

@chillykitty ofc that's what Misha would say lol

@nowandgen Aww! We'll miss having her over! She was a dear the WHOLE TIME

@randomacc omg! The Padalecki fam babysat!

@coolgirl who else would? @randomacc Jared and Jensen are like brothers

@jarpad Congrats again Jensen!

@chica Perfect couple!

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