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George and Meghan discuss sleeping arrangements he was willing to sleep in a separate bedroom to her. She told him they would share her bedroom. It had his and hers closets and she wanted the staff to think this was a marriage of love.
Meghan was very aware magazines and newspapers were always trying to get a story on her. While her staff had signed non disclosures agreements. You never know what can happen when money and temptation came into play. 

Meghan wanted to protect her son Arthur as much as possible so she was determined to treat the staff even better than before. That way they weren't tempted to sell a story on her family.

"What do you mean you got married to George.  Meghan did you forget the humiliation of your wedding day. He has just lost his wife and to marry him so quickly it's shameful".

Meghan listened to her mother waffling on about her no good husband. She couldn't really defend George because most of what her mother said was true.

"Is dad there with you?"

"Yes honey".

"Please put me on speaker I need to tell you both something".

She tells them everything that happened from the phone call onwards.

"She had no right to steal from the both of you I hope you both are fully intending to sue the companies for giving your property away so freely. Do you believe George that he was forced to marry her?"

"I don't know mum for all I know they slept together and were a real couple".

"George grew in Italy he would've been taught family is everything .  I can believe he married her for the reasons he did", says her father.

"We're grandparents",  says her mother Susan. "I'm forty-mine years old and a grandmother".

"Are you upset about it?" Ask Meghan.

"Of course not sweetie I'm fuming about the way I became one though and I'm still young enough to not look like a grey hair grandmother stereotype".

Meghan hears noise onthe baby monitor, "I've  got to go Arthur is up".

At dinner that night George bought up the idea of a honeymoon.

"My parents would love to meet their grandson and it would be good for us to get out the country for a while. There is no way the press won't find out about our marriage".

She realises what he meant, "You want to tell them about it before we go away on our terms".

He nods, "I can work away from the office and I've already started the paperwork for Arthur's passport. If we go to the passport agency my lawyer said it should take eight days to a week to get one".

"That's fine, I'm unsure of flying with a baby so young but as we will be flying private I feel a bit better. I want that plane deep clean".

"It will be don't you worry".

"Have you told your family George about the circumstances of Arthur's  birth?"

"I have and I'm sorry.  I was a coward back then".

"You still are George  because nothing was stopping you from telling me the truth about your marriage after your divorce. You could have told me the truth instead you didn't".

"You and I both know you would have put the phone down the minute you heard my voice".

Meghan realised he spoke the truth but she was still angry and felt she had every right to be.

"You could have sent me a email or a letter if you really wanted me to know the truth".

He sighs because he realised she was right.

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