The Popeye's Incidence

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They eat their breakfast and Meghan goes and checks on Arthur. "Hello my darling".

She kiss him on the forehead, "You're going for a walk later with mummy and daddy".

Arthur giggles Meghan hold on to him while going through his closet. "You've more clothes than mummy and daddy don't you sweetheart".

Meghan dresses Arthur and walks downstairs with him. George walks towards them and take Arthur from Meghan.

"Your phone was going off while you were upstairs".

Meghan gives Arthur to George and pick her phone up and check her messages. Wanda and Sarah both sent her a message. Wanda wanted her to call her and Sarah was thanking her for the million dollars she gave her charity.

"Wanda wants to meet up and Sarah thanked me for the money I gave to her charity".

"Let's have the rest of the week for ourselves okay. I know you need to speak to Wanda but if you truly believe she won't talk please wait till next week to see her".

"I'll text Wanda I'll see her next week. You know I was going to buy a dress for our date but I'll shop in my closet instead".

"Great idea darling".

Two days later Meghan was sitting across from George in Popeyes of all places.

"You know when you told me you were taking me to Popeyes for our date I thought you were joking. I've to say I'm glad I'm here this biscuit is amazing and the chicken is really good too. I'm going to take a massive bucket home with me".

"I'm glad you like it Debra recommenced this place to me. I wanted us to go someplace where we could be ourselves and not get special treatment because of who we're".

Meghan smiles, "I'll remember this date for a long time you know Emma would never come here. She never told me why but I saw the terror in her face whenever I mentioned it".

"Oh gosh if I knew that I would never have taken you here".

Meghan wipes her hand and places it on George's. "I'm glad you bought me here I'm having fun. I don't know why Emma was afraid to come here but I can't live in fear because my friend didn't tell me what was wrong".

George smiles sadly at her, "This is suppose to be a joyous occasion now it feels weird us being here".

"Do you want to leave?"

"Do you?"

"George it's our date night I want to enjoy myself with my husband. I'm looking forward to our dancing class later on so much".

"Okay but can we eat in the car instead and come back later and go through the drive through and order your bucket of chicken."

Unsure why George wanted to leave Meghan answers, "Sure".

On the way home that night Meghan was staring at a serious looking George.

"Something is wrong talk to me George".

"When we get home and I know that we can't be overheard then I'll talk".

As soon as George gives the bucket of chicken to Debra he and Meghan go to their bedroom and start to change their clothes.

"Okay George we're alone".

He sits on the bed and motion for Meghan to sit next to him.

"I didn't remember until you said what you said because I try to block it out for years. Emma called me couple days after her picture hit the papers for the first time".

"Okay that's not unusual you both had become friends and she had your phone number".

"She called me when she was in Popeyes her foster father was harassing her. He knew where she lived because she was known as your adoptive sister. He stalked and harassed her for money because he believed she was now rich".

"He wouldn't leave her alone so she got in touch with me and I told him to back off and got her out of the restaurant. He followed us so I took us to the police station and urged Emma to file a complaint against him which she did".

"That's good".

George looks at Meghan sadly, "Her foster father became incensed and couple days later when Emma was alone.  He found her and demand payment to not tell the world all about her time in foster care".

She called me and I met them at the hotel they were at and when I saw the state she was in. I went nuts and broke the guys nose and jaw. A fight ensued and I told him next time I saw him he wouldn't be walking away".

"How did all that happened and I didn't know about it?"

"I call my godfather who made a call and fixed the situation".

"When you say fix what do you mean?"

He made sure the people that worked at the hotel kept their mouths shut and Emma's foster father never bothered her again".

Meghan was all most afraid to ask, "Is he dead Emma foster father?"

George laughs bitterly, "No he's in prison I gather my godfather's men scared him straight and he came off the drugs. Yet somehow he's in prison for life for murder".

"Why did Emma never say anything to me?"

"She was embarrassed and she felt talking to me was easier than you".

Meghan remembers something, "Years ago I remember Emma stayed with you for couple days to help you with a big math's exam you had coming up. Was it then the Popeyes incident happened?"

"Yes I've done my best to forget those few days".

"Did he hurt her badly?"

"She had a black eye and scratches on her arms but he didn't touch her sexually thank god. It turns out his wife was for show".

"Oh", says Meghan getting his meaning. "Poor Emma I can't believe she went through all that and didn't say anything".

"She moved from foster care to foster care and group home to group home. I'm pretty sure she went through worse than that growing up".

"Emma really was remarkable look were she ended up despite her beginnings".

"University, modelling, family she had it all".

"Yes she did", Meghan begins to weep. and George places an arm around her.

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