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Problems are never ending but if you make a situation that you know it will turn bad, you are creating more problems.

I am a woman and here's my story. I know wearing PJs is normal; not wearing a bra is a different story. Listening to a friend's heartbreak is normal but trying to press your kisses on me? NOT NORMAL.

Listen, ladies, men, and children. May it be your family, friends, and/or relatives, remember our chant:


We should learn to convert fear into defense. We should not cower in fear but learn to stand up for our rights. NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO OUR BODIES!


He is my friend. I'm listening to his story then he began pressing his kisses on me. He may be an eye candy  but there is no where in hell that I want to be kissed by him. I swear to the universe.

I may be timid. I may be understanding but I am a fighter too. I learned everything the hard way.

I pushed his face away from mine---hard---and drove away.

He is my friend. He pressed kisses on me and even tried to plant on my lips. He asked, "why not?" even when I repeatedly told him NO CONSENT IS HARRASSMENT!

I am a woman. I am wearing decent PJs. I felt harrassed by a broken friend. I planted my palms on his face. I drove away.

I am a woman. I am a fighter.

This is my story.

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