Peter Parker ~ Dance Partner

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A/N: i don't really know where I was going with this one so I'm sorry if you don't really understand it


"Peter, I'd like you to meet my daughter" Your dad, Steve Rogers, walked into the dance studio you were stretching in,
Followed by a boy. You got up to greet him

"Hi, I'm (y/n)" you introduced yourself and shook his hand

"I'm Peter." He smiled at you and you smiled back

"We'll leave you to continue practicing (y/n)." Your dad was about to leave but he turned back around "Peter, don't you do dance too?"

"Uh I used to Mr. Captain America sir" he confirmed, and you smiled

"You can call me Steve, Peter" Your dad said, and peter smiled up at him

"Wait seriously? This is great! I need a partner to practice the routine I'm working on but no one here knows how to dance. Do you think you could help me out?" you jumped on he balls of your feet and stared at him happily

"I haven't danced in a while.." he looked nervous but you grabbed his arm and pulled him over

"I'm sure you're great. And it's really simple, I'll teach you"

You started teaching him the routine And Steve left the both of you to practice. After about 2 hours You and Peter had perfected the routine, and you wanted to show your dad to see his opinion

You called Steve to come watch the dance, and he brought Tony with him. You were excited to show them but also nervous because you had never performed in front of them

"Ready?" You started the music and got into position with Peter. You both danced around the room, getting tangled in each other's arms while gracefully moving to the music

When the song was over, Peter unwrapped his arms around you and you both congratulated each other, out of breath.

Steve stood there for a second shocked at what he just witnessed.

"Congratulations Rogers" Tony told Steve, munching on some blue berries, "your sweet little daughter is all grown up"

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