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sorry i didn't update yesterday i was busy making an edit. to see it go follow me on insta @ iconicalessio :p.

(okay seriously i have no idea how doctors work or passing out or panic attack's work so just go with me on this one, this is NOT going to be realistic)

you woke up with covers wrapped around you and a pounding headache. it was hard to fully open your eyes but once you did, you immediately flinched. your eyes were still trying to adjust to the light. it looked familiar. alessios room, you thought to yourself.

"she's awake!" a familiar voice shouted. footsteps echoed, and someone entered the room, but you couldn't see exactly who.

"y/n, hey... it's me mia," the familiar voice said again. the voice sounded foggy and kind of distant.

"...mia?" you say.

"y/n! you're awake!" a second familiar voice says. "I can take it from here, mia," the voice says again, and you hear footsteps retreat.

"hey babe," you're eyes see who it was. alessio. a flush of relief came over you. you didn't say anything back, but you just looked at alessio.

"my parents are coming home in two days okay,  love?  then you get to eat food that's actually good, but for now do you want some soup?"

you ignored him, "what happened to me, alessio?" you asked.

"the doctor said you passed out from a panic attack, but you would wake up soon so I could take you home. and just to make sure you got enough sleep and energy," alessio said.

you weren't really surprised at this news because pieces of what happened at the mall were starting to come back to you. you examined alessio and saw bags under his eyes.

"you should get some rest," you say softly, and you felt bad for putting him thought this.

before he could object you moved over and made room for him to lay down. you looked at him expectantly before he gave in and crept onto the bed with you. you laid close to him and waited (which wasn't long) for him to fall asleep. you then fell asleep.

when you woke up, you saw a note laying by your pillow. you picked it up and read it.
hey y/n, hope my girl is feeling better. had to go to the studio but don't worry about me, just stay safe and healthy today please. mias worried about you but she's gone to her acting classes today. ill try to be there as soon as I can.
love you lots
ps: I got you taco bell ;)

you smiled.
i don't deserve you alessio
(to be continued...)

i'm gonna start putting this so you guys will know the story's not over