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"mia, you're 12, you don't need a boyfriend! plus, you have cheer to think about," you say.

"but y/n, im almost 13, i should be able to get a boyfriend!" mia replies with an annoyed voice, "my birthday is in two weeks you know," mia adds.

"yes, yes, how could i ever forget 'princess mia's' big day," you reply with a laugh.

mia laughs too and says, "well I'm obviously having a birthday party, and im going to be inviting so friends over. mostly girls, but a few boys," mia says mischievously.

"mia i-" you start, not wanting to lose alessio's trust, but she cuts you off.

"look, all i need you to do is distract him and keep him away from the party. i'll make sure they're gone before i open my presents and blow out the candles on my cake!" mia says with a pleading voice.

after a little thinking, you give in. it's her big day, everything will be fine, you think to yourself. "fine i'll do it, but only because it's almost your birthday," you say with a grin.

"thank you, thank you, thank you!" mia says hugging you and then left the room.

you got up and made your way towards alessio's room. you went in, not feeling like you had to knock, and saw alessio just had finished getting dressed.

"why is it so cold in here?" you ask making your way towards alessio's closet.

"i don't know, love," alessio replied.(if you don't like that nickname you can change it <3)

"i like that nickname, 'love,' its cute," you reply while slipping into one of alessio's hoodies that was very oversized on you.

"me too. you wanna head to the studio with me?" alessio asks while tying (is that how you spell it?!) his shoes.

"aren't people not supposed to know we're... well, what are we?" you ask.

"i would like to be your boyfriend and you to be my girlfriend, y/n," alessio replies and your heart flutters.

"i would like that too," you say kind of quietly.

"they don't need to know we're a couple, we just got to pretend we're friends,"alessio says getting up from his bed.

"friends wear each other's hoodies right?" you ask getting up to follow alessio out of his room.

"of course they do," alessio replies heading for the front door.

"well, in that case I'm coming," you said since you already had your shoes on.

you guys drove for about 20 minutes just singing and dancing to different songs. ( i have no idea how a studio works so this is gonna be unrealistic, so here's a picture of a studio so you can get the idea)

 ( i have no idea how a studio works so this is gonna be unrealistic, so here's a picture of a studio so you can get the idea)

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once you arrived you both got out of the car and walked up to the large building.

"so this is where it all happens huh?" you ask alessio.

"yup, and remember we're just friends," alessio adds.

you walk into the studio, which was really cool looking and was met by an older looking man and a daughter about your age(15 if you forgot.)

"y/n, this is my manager, Jack, Jack this is my friend y/n," alessio said.

"hello," you say nicely and you shake his hand."

"a pleasure to meet you," the manager says, "alessio and y/n this is my daughter, julia," he says gesturing his hands towards the girl.

you noticed that she wore things that were really revealing. "hey," she said, except she didn't look at me, she looked straight at alessio.

you tried your best not to seem jealous and replied with a quick "hi," and so did alessio. you just guessed alessio didn't notice the things the girl did.

"alright alessio, we're just gonna have you go straight to recording," the manager says and alessio nods and steps into the recording booth.

you try to get you mind off of things by staring at the hundreds of buttons displayed in front of you, but you couldn't help but notice the way the girl stared at alessio. but it really wasn't like you could do anything, i mean if you talked to her about it, she would know you and alessio were dating.

you watched alessio sing and rap and it calmed you down just seeing that he was happy. you ignored the girl completely and set your mind towards alessio. once they had finished recording, alessio came and sat next to you and you guys talked about his songs, and maybe going to a restaurant after this.

suddenly, the girl came up to alessio and started talking to him as if you weren't even there.

"hey, so like are you single and stuff?" the girl asks twirling her hair and giving a bit of a smirk.

"yes, but I'm not looking for a relationship right now," alessio replies, his voice still as kind as ever.

"that's too bad..." the girl says, still smirking, she then bent down and whispered into his ear. you couldn't hear what she said, and you didn't want to. you looked down and noticed that you hands were balled into fists.

"I'm going to the car," you say quickly and storm out of the room.

once you were in the car, you just start sobbing. thoughts like why would alessio want me, and, he deserves such a better girl than me filled you mind. but you tried you best to stop crying, knowing that it would put stress on alessio.

about a minute later alessio came out of the studio and walked towards the car. you hoped he wouldn't notice that you had been crying, but you knew your eyes were a puffy red. you turned away from him, avoiding his eyes, and tried to hide you face in his hoodie you were wearing. he noticed and without saying a word, softly grabbed you chin to turn you head. he saw your puffy eyes and your wet eyelashes. he pulled you into the tightest hug ever and you two stayed there until you fell asleep.