IV - Gluten Free

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Cam had warned Victoria about the food at Sword & Cross on their walk to the cafeteria but she wasn't prepared for lukewarm lasagna with over-boiled green veg. The lunch-lady was a plump redheaded woman with the most unenthusiastic expression that Victoria had ever seen. She'd tried to explain to the woman that she couldn't eat the lasagna on account of being gluten intolerant but her protest was met with a blank expression.

"We'll get something else after this." Roland reassured. He was seated opposite her at the table, at his side sat Arriane - Though it was clear they weren't on speaking terms.

Victoria gave him a warm smile and nodded. Roland had a reputation amongst the students for being about to get anything. To the mortals it was a total mystery - Roland was legendary. The reality of the matter was far less grand, he just walked out into the open, checked over his shoulders for any witnesses and took to the sky.

Cam nudged Victoria with his shoulder playfully. He was seated to her right, positively beaming at her as he gestured to his dinner - Which he'd mashed into a volcano, green peas spilling out the top of a poorly constructed pile of lasagna. Victoria laughed and buried her head in her hands. It was so childish and Cam was clearly so proud of himself.

"I'm so hungry." Victoria protested through her laughter. Cam was now laughing with her.

"Only ten minutes until they start letting us leave." Daniel explained. He hadn't touched his dinner. His expression was forlorn and Victoria couldn't help but notice that he kept stealing glances at Luce. Who was sitting on her own at an empty table.

"Well aren't you cheerful tonight Daniel?" Arriane quipped.

"Not tonight Arriane, please."

"You're right of course. Something far more pressing to discuss." Cam groaned and leant back on his chair.

"Mortals consider it rude to talk about someone when they're within earshot." Victoria explained to Arriane, who scrunched her nose in response. Victoria leant back on her chair to face Cam, who took the opportunity to wobble the back of hers making her squeal.

"Cut it out you two!" Gabbe's voice was icy. She was sitting beside Daniel, her head flying in all directions to stare down the students who began gawking at the commotion Cam and Victoria had caused. Both chairs scraped loudly on the floor as all four legs returned to the ground.

"Cambriel, you have to take this seriously. You can't muck around like that, Luce was watching." Gabbe scolded, before returning her attention back to filing her nails.

"I just love it when we're altogether. So much joy!" Roland joked, tossing his arms about as though he were giving a sermon.

"As I was saying. . . Before I was so rudely interrupted. Cam and Victoria-" Arriane was cut short by a dull static buzz. Even the school bell sounded miserable.

The Dining Hall erupted with the sounds of stacking trays, scraping chairs and loud voices. Cam's hand found Victoria's with ease. Together, they wasted no time escaping Arriane, Roland trailing close behind.


"Pepperoni, extra cheese. Gluten free base, obviously."

"Got it." Roland nodded. He tossed his head back and his wings sprung free. Like Cam, his feathers were black but that was where the similarities ended. Roland's wings seemed smaller and more curved.

"The usual. Bring some cigarettes won't you?"

Roland nodded to Cam then took to the sky.

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