IX - Trust Fall

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"What's this about?" Daniel asked, carefully, making a point of raising his brow at Victoria. Her hair was dripping wet, as though she hadn't found the time to dry it but she seemed comfortable enough in a pair of grey track pants and plain black tee. Admittedly, Daniel couldn't help but feel a little concerned about whatever she had to say. Clearly, whatever it was, had eaten into her bathroom time and she was not pleased about it.

"I was having a wonderful shower." She started, making a point of shuffling the wet towel on her shoulder. There was an air of something in her voice, something he couldn't place. Cam, on the other hand, clearly could. An insidious smile was tugging at the corner of his mouth as he leaned against the wall his eyes trained to her carefully.

"I was thinking about something very important, or rather, I was trying to." Victoria continued. Behind her, Cam's eyes were starting to glow and Daniel suddenly found that he was at a loss on where to look. "When I heard this sad, pathetic little sound." Victoria continued, whatever air had been in her voice darkened and her stern eyes fixed to him. Daniel mustered a shrug and fixed his eyes to the floorboards, where he took to trying to find shapes in the droplets of water from Victoria's hair. Cam's gaze was growing more intense with each passing moment and the unashamed way in which he indulged his sexual desire, with such a simple glance, was nothing more than a reminder to Daniel that he was, by comparison, practically celibate.

"Can you guess what that sound might have been, G?" Victoria pestered, she had made to crouch down before him and was staring up at him a little wildly. "I-" He started, but Victoria quickly shot him down.  "-Well it was the sound of poor, sweet Lucinda bawling her eyes out because the love of her life, her soul mate can't even say a nice word to her. So I-"

"-Gracious as you are, Darling." Cam interrupted, his voice low, husky and amused.

"Exactly," Victoria nodded in agreement. "As gracious as I am. I talked to dear sweet Luce. All the while, feeling like a backstabbing piece of shit for having been out all evening, with my soul mate having the time of my life, while she second guesses her entire existence, feeling perpetually tormented over the fact that my boyfriend is nicer to her than you are."

"I-" Daniel tried again, but Cam was quick to interrupt.

"-She's not finished, Grigori."

"Thank you." Victoria sighed, stealing a glance at Cam before continuing. "Have you, at any point, considered how she's going to feel once she learns the truth?" Frowning, Daniel shook his head.

"Okay, well," Victoria started, standing up once more. She strode over to Cam, perhaps a little too sensually for Daniel's liking and easily cooed to him, 'We'll role play it for you." Cam inhaled sharply, Victoria's cheeks flushed and Daniel quickly took to looking at the floor once more.

Cam cleared his throat.

"I don't want to play Luce."

"No, I'll be Luce." Victoria confirmed, her eyes never leaving his lips.

Cam frowned.

"Well, I don't really want to be Daniel either. Can't we role play-"

"-Please, whatever your point is. . . Get to it. Quickly." Daniel interjected, rising to his feet. His brow was furrowed and he made a point of crossing his arms. It was hard to be good natured about their affections when they were laying it on so thick. Something inside Daniel was stirring, something his frigid mind had been closed off to for sometime and he'd be damned if he was going to let Victoria and Cam remind him of that.

"Oh Lucinda I love you!" Cam erupted, opening his arms wide.

"Oh Daniel, I love you too!" Victoria clasped her hands together and battered her eyelashes.

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