VI - Charades

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Victoria didn't remember falling asleep. She woke in the dark, buried amongst Cam's wings, moments before the school alarm sounded. The mornings detention ran on without incident. There was no sign of Luce or Daniel, it was just her, Cam and Roland. Cam made no effort to conceal his affection, he took to blatantly flirting with her while they picked up rubbish with spiked sticks. No matter what he said, it never failed to make her blush. Victoria was giddy by the time she arrived at her first class - Bible Study with Ms Sophia. There was no time for a quick kiss goodbye, she'd had to settle on a gentle brush of Cam's hand against her own as she left his side to take a seat beside Daniel.

Luce didn't look well. She was sitting beside Arriane, looking awfully fragile. Her eyes were puffy and raw from crying and her hair was scrunched back into a rough ponytail. It was a sight that seriously threw Victoria. To see Luce so upset over a boy that she didn't even know was astounding, it was raw. It drove home what she and Daniel really were, what their tale really meant and it tugged at her heart strings a little too. Was it possible that she and Cam were the same? That in some innate way they had always been connected, and always would be? Victoria certainly felt that way.

She was feeling terribly grateful for Cam as Ms Sophia turned the projector on. He was sitting beside Luce, which Arriane seemed far from pleased about. Luce was yet to acknowledge him but he was trying his best, bumping their shoulders lightly and mustering a smile for her. Not a forced one, rather a sympathetic one and Victoria couldn't help but think about how beautiful he was, how pure. To see the good, Angelic side of Cam - Who so clearly wanted to comfort Luce.

Daniel stiffened at her side and rightly so. Ms Sophia was butchering all attempts to get the PowerPoint projected, leaving him to stare at the dismal Luce. Victoria wished she could say something, that she could try to comfort him the way Cam was doing for Luce but she just wasn't that person. Victoria had always bottled things up or ignored them altogether. Even when her friends came to her with their worries she never knew what to say. She felt like an observer as they unloaded their woes. Maybe, if they were lucky, she'd manage a 'That Sucks' or an 'I'm sorry.' which was hardly groundbreaking stuff. It was made harder still by the fact that Daniel didn't seem to want to keep Luce away, how could he? She was his. . . Everything, so far as she understood it. What use was it to try and keep himself from her? Was it not better to have a really nice time for both their sakes and then be done with it? When Ms Sophia finally did get the PowerPoint projected Victoria found herself blinking profusely. The image was blinding, Angels falling through a cloudy blue sky, with the title slapped to the bottom of the image in thick, black text.


Victoria's blood ran cold at the title, this was no ordinary Bible Studies class. Luce's expression softened, her interest had been peaked. She looked more alive in this moment than she had in the last five minutes. Victoria was now paying closer attention to the slide, to the two Angels depicted falling from Heaven. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought they were Daniel and Cam. Victoria stole at glance at Cam, she wasn't sure what she should be feeling right now and she was hoping his reaction might help guide her. Cam's expression was blank, Victoria felt her stomach drop. He was angry, properly angry, Victoria wasn't sure how she knew but she did. At his side Luce's eyes had widened, they were foggy too - As though a recollection was on the cusp of her mind. That feeling came back, the same prickle of skin on the back of her neck, an overwhelming sense of dread. Cam was looking directly at her now, his head was cocked to the side, a frown brewing on his brow. Victoria turned in her chair, Ms Sophia was staring at her as she did. Victoria's felt her skin crawl at the sight of an 0minious black cloud that hand from the ceiling behind her.

Resurrection- Fallen (Cam)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum