II - Photographs of an Impossible Man

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Cam was nervous, something he hadn't been for a very long time. He didn't want Victoria to know he was nervous - Nothing could be worse than that. He was supposed to be Demon, brave and unfeeling.

He was neither in this moment - He was feeling everything all at once. There was scarcely time to think, only to act. He couldn't bear to be away from her, not even for a moment. Perhaps that was unwise? He should have taken some time to think, to plan out his next steps. He should have let her settle into her dorm then taken to his own to agonize over the next few days. Everything was riding on this moment, on this day, on the next few months. Cam was no fool, he'd thought about this. He'd meticulously planned this first meeting - A meeting that was already diverting from the plan.

Foolishly, he'd been expecting her to recognize him, just as she always did - Even with the knowledge that she would not. This realization cut like a knife, her innocence was intoxicating, he could not pull away. Her skin was fire, her scent maddening, everything was dialed up to eleven. He should have been better than this, fuck he was better than this -  Better than the average man, certainly better than the average Demon. Why was it so difficult to resist?

Cam had been preparing for this moment since becoming a Demon, Hell they'd even practiced for it together but none of it mattered now. He was unable to control himself. He could not look away from her. Pulling his hand away and leading her down this hallway was agony, especially with her leaning up towards him like that. She wanted him just as much as she always had, always did. How could he say no to that?

It was an accident mostly, to entice her into leaving the school grounds with him - If they were both kicked out of Sword & Cross it would be game over but Cam couldn't help himself, he wanted to be alone with her - Needed to be alone with her. If he could just tell her everything, let her know the whole lot, prove to her who he was and what they were then none of it would even matter.

No wonder Daniel's always so uptight when this is all he ever thinks about.

Cam knew he didn't want to be like his counterpart in that regard. The way Daniel always revealed these secrets to Luce irritated him. He would never do that to Victoria, he wouldn't dream of it. He was always honest with her - He felt that was how it should be. Then again, it wasn't the only thing he and Daniel didn't agree on. At least Victoria could handle the truth. Having a girlfriend who didn't periodically burst into flames every time you told her something important definitely had its advantages.

Better a match made in Hell then in Heaven.

"I can handle Conrad myself, you know." Victoria pipped up, they'd been strolling side by side heading towards the car park, if it could be called that.

It was little more than a barren gravel patch, fewer cars than potholes - Two silver cars and three black ones. Cam didn't bat an eye as he strode over to the closest one, an older model black Audi and tried the handle. It was unsurprisingly locked. He tried again, a little harder this time and it pried open - As if by magic.

"Oh, I know. You've handled much worse than Conrad before but you have to give me a chance at chivalry sometimes." Cam couldn't help himself, he wasn't used to thinking about what he was saying when they were together. It was second nature - Only now, saying the wrong thing might jeopardize everything.

Victoria did her best to remain cool and collected but she was horribly conflicted. It was wrong to be lulled into a sense of safety by a perfect stranger. She'd been at Sword & Cross for less than an hour and already she was sitting shotgun in a stolen car with a hot boy. This was her last chance, she knew that. If she fucked her life up at Sword & Cross prison would be waiting, that was no secret, and yet she wasn't scared. Which defied logic - She should have been terrified.

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