VII - Horse Boy

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Victoria and Daniel spent the remainder of the free study period in silence. They were both diligently working on their homework, they had to. Even with everything else going on Victoria still needed to keep her GPA up, she'd be risking everything if she let it slip. The work at Sword & Cross wasn't so much hard as it was repetitive. Victoria was more than capable of churning it out, but it was increasingly difficult with everything that was on her mind. When the end of free study finally rolled around, she'd completed less of her work than she would have liked, having only managed to complete the extra History assignment Cam had so graciously earned them and half of her French vocab. Daniel raised his head as she began folding and stacking her books, he tried turning back to his textbook, but seemed to think better of it and turned back to Victoria instead.

"I can do the rest of your French homework, if you want." He offered helpfully. Victoria almost dropped her math book upon hearing his offer.

"Why would you do that?"

"So you can spend time with Cam?" Daniel raised a brow and started collecting his books.

"Yes, but why would you do that?" Daniel sighed and rolled his eyes; he reached a hand across the table, clasped Victoria's French book in his hand and added it to his own stack of books.

"To help. . . Our whole plan is useless if you and Cam don't. . . And that definitely won't happen if you get kicked out of Sword & Cross." Victoria nodded; her lips pressed into a thin line. Maybe it was the silence, but she'd forgotten that Daniel was on their side now. If there were even sides anymore. Victoria was finding it difficult to forget the way he'd comforted her after seeing Cam and Luce earlier.

Stupidly, she'd been expecting they'd talk about it when they returned to the study nook, but Daniel had seemed determined to remain silent. Victoria had considered raising the matter but had decided that Daniel didn't seem like that kind of guy. If he couldn't tell Luce all the important things about their scripture-defying love, then how could she expect him to talk about the afternoons startling revelations?

"I'll walk you to your dorm?" Victoria offered, if she didn't know any better Daniel appeared grateful for her offer as he nodded. She took to hovering around the bookcase while waiting for Daniel to sling his bag over his shoulder and join her. Victoria heard a giggle from across the library, where the computer room students were pouring out of the room. She squeezed her toes, a poor, but welcome distraction from the assumption that the laughter was coming from Luce. It had come from Luce, Victoria decided, as she turned around. Luce was walking with Cam and Arriane; she was laughing at something Cam must have said as they stepped through the exit.

Daniel cleared his throat, he was standing at her side. His face looked ashen as his eyes followed Luce out of the Library. Luce was so distracted by Cam that she didn't even notice Daniel was staring at her. Which was a good thing, right? Victoria shook her head. She wanted to banish all thoughts that anything between Luce and Cam could ever be good.

"So. . . Do you want to talk about earlier?" Victoria bit the bullet, she needed to talk about it, surely that meant Daniel needed to as well? At the very least, it would prove a good distraction.

"Yeah, I do. . ." Daniel gave a great sigh and tousled the strap of his bag on his shoulder. "I'm not good at talking about things, if you haven't figured that out."

"That's why they paired us up." Victoria joked and turned to Daniel. He met her eyes and he produced a light chuckle. "I'm sorry about the Godhood thing, I shouldn't have told you. This afternoon has been. . ."

"Don't. . . I've sort of accepted that it's probably always going to be like this now."

"I won't lie and tell you it gets better, it's always like this, but you get used to it." Daniel was doing his best to reassure Victoria, who shrugged it off lightly. They fell into another silence as they passed Sophia at the desk and exited out of the Library into the overgrown courtyard.

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