III - Mistress, In Private

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Victoria was gripping the edge of Cam's sleeve, she'd never held hands with a boy - Not like that. Naturally, the one boy whose hand she did want to hold she couldn't. Unless she wanted a third degree burn. Cam seemed to be trying hard to make up for this with small brushes of his fingers against hers, each of them sending a warm thrill across her skin. Victoria was still a little bewildered, still adjusting to everything he'd said, still coming to terms with what she'd seen. Holding hands - If it could be called that - Felt right.

The sight of Conrad slumped against her dorm door with a tobacco pouch nursed in his lap and a rollie twiddling in his hand really put things into perspective. Victoria's heart was hammering wildly as his eyes fell to the sight of her hand pressed against Cam's. She didn't care what Conrad thought. Frankly, it was none of his business. It was this moment that upset her, frazzled her even.

Conrad sitting here was the mortal life she'd given up. The one Cam had cautioned her that she would not be able to return to. If Cam hadn't been led through the foyer just as she was arriving, then she'd be forgiving Conrad right now. Not fully but they'd be making amends. Instead, his face was pale - Conrad looked like he'd seen a ghost. He was fumbling with the next paper, unable to place the filter, eyes still fixed upon the light brush of Cam's fingers against hers.

What Conrad failed to realize was that they weren't heading towards Victoria's dorm but to Cam's - Which was to the right. By the time he'd risen to his feet in protest Cam's hand was already on the door handle.

"Wait!" He started. An annoyed sound escaped Cam's lips, something between a sigh and a grunt - The sound of an incredibly old Angel who didn't have time for this mortal bullshit.

"You've got ten seconds." Cam spoke evenly, he was trying very hard to restrain himself.

Usually, he had all the patience in the words for mortals. He genuinely liked them, was fascinated by them. He would never be able to bring himself to like Conrad. He'd slept with his. . . Cam wanted to squish his head like a melon.

Conrad rolled his eyes and tried to stand closer to Victoria, who cowered into Cam's side, her hand clutching his hip. Which had Cam shivering instead of pushing Conrad away.

"I just want to talk." Conrad didn't move any closer, Victoria's aversion seemed to have affected him.

"There's nothing to talk about." Victoria spoke before Cam could, a lucky break for Conrad. If Cam had spoken it wouldn't have been with words.

"I have smokes." Victoria nearly laughed. It was pathetic but information like this would have normally peaked her interest - Only she wasn't that person anymore.

"Thanks for the offer, but we're fine for now." She knew better than to antagonize him but the feeling of Cam's hip under her hand was all she could think about. It was nearly burning, even through his hoodie and jeans. She could feel the firmness of his stomach, that deep V groove practically dropped off like a sheer cliff - He was that muscular.

"You'll come see me later . . . When you're done?"

"Don't talk like that." Cam's voice was strained. Conrad didn't seem to realize the danger he was in. He sniffed and narrowed his eyes at Cam.

"Like what?"

"Like she's. . ." Cam trailed, shifting on the spot. He couldn't even say those words in same sentence as her name. Just thinking them made him uncomfortable.

". . . But she is. I've been playing this game a lot longer than you have. I know how she works." Victoria tightened her grip, which was enough to keep Cam from exploding.

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