The Games

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Not dead. She's still alive, as far as I know, but it means nothing. She's as good as dead where she's going.

Every year, the government of Panem organizes the Hunger Games, a fight to the death between the 12 districts that surround the glimmering Capitol. Each district must send two youths to battle it out somewhere, an icy wasteland, a lush forest, no one knows. It's ruthless, it's bloody, and it is all televised for mandatory viewing. Why? Just for the Capitol to remind us that we are merely their puppets, worthless lives that they fully control. It's meant to discourage rebels like me and Katniss.

She was taken as the District 12 Tribute. Well actually, she volunteered in place of her sister. Yes, it was brave, and yes, it was noble, and yes, Katniss has a much better chance of surviving than her sister Prim. But it seriously tears me apart that my best friend is as good as dead, and there is nothing I can do.

I know what I should have done. I should have volunteered as tribute in Peeta's place. I may not be able to stop Katniss from becoming a pawn in this stupid game, but I could have gone alongside her. We could have done this together, like everything else. Until the end, of course. Then, no matter what, one of us would die. I guess that it's a lose-lose situation either way.

Why did I let this happen? By speaking up, Katniss volunteered to fight, but by me remaining silent she might die. Prim has already lost a father, she can't afford to lose a sister too...

Sometimes I feel so stupid!

Gale: A Hunger Games StoryWhere stories live. Discover now