Part 1: Mysteries of Jin, Hoseok, and the Sheep Killer

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Seokjin POV

It was a crisp, cool night. The moon was out, the sky littered with stars, and the wind was blowing softly pushing my dark hair to the side of his forehead. I sat on his small, old porch that I've been sitting at for as long as I can remember watching. Waiting for the reason of my animals being killed. Waiting for this murderous beast that has been terrorizing his sheep for the last week.

Leaning back in his Grandmas's old rocking chair, I watched all of my sheep with a close eye just Waiting for it, the thing that has been killing my sheep, to arrive. It was hard to see that was going on in the sheep pen with the only lighting being the dull shine of the moon, so listening to my surroundings was the only thing he really had to rely on. Right now all he could hear was nothing but the trees rustling, and the quiet bitter patter of a few sheep walking. With a huff of breath, Seokjin slouched in his seat, boredom and the lack of sleep taking over. "This is starting to feel like a waste of time." Hoseok sat beside me on our second rocking chair, this one is newer since we just bought it a few months ago.

Forgetting Hoseok was there, I jumped a little in my seat, which makes a slight speaking sound. "Patience, Hoseok." he rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the sheep pen. "but I don't have patience." the boy mumbled under his breath. "Listen to you Hyung, Hoseok." We have been best friends ever since we were little kids, we meet in school years ago, him being the loner and me being the popular kid, we were polar opposite but we got along so well. I'm glad to know he will always be by my side even through thick and thin. Although he can be a pain in the ass, I still love him.

After sitting in silence fora few minutes, Hoseok decided to speak. "Hey Seokjin," he said sitting up a little in his seat. I could see him turning towards me from the corner of my eye. "yeah." I replied, taking my gaze off of the field of sheep to look over at him. Even in the dim-lit light, I could see that he looked nervous, like what he was about to say was something that I should be afraid of. He takes a deep breath closing his eyes for a second. His cheeks became a light shade of red, his ears as well. The only other time I've seen him like this is when we went out to town and he ran into some skinny pale dude with white hair. He took a deep breath and said, "I think I'm-"

The scream of a sheep cut off Hoseok. We both shoot up from our seats at the same time and looked toward the sheep pin, then back at each other. With just a look we both silently agreed that we had found our murderer. We grabbed our flashlights, and hobi grabbed a pocket knife. "Do you think we're really going to need that?" I asked Hoseok, to which he shrugged. "You never know Hyung. Anything could be out there."

Slowly and quietly, we snuck off of the porch. Sounds of the old, but sturdy wood under our feet squeaked with old age. As soon as we stepped off the porch, the wind began to pick up sending a chill down my spine, almost like fate telling me I was about to experience something chilling. "You ready to find out what or who the murder is, Jin-Hyung?" Hoseok's voice was faint since he whispering. "Let's do this," I replied, turning on my flashlight. The sound of leaves wrestling was the only thing we heard as we walked towards the sheep. Hoseok turned on his flashlight as well, and we began to walk in the dark of night with nothing showing our path but a flashlight and the shine of the moon.

The first thing I noticed when we got there was a foul stench. It smelt terrible like something died, which I assumed was the sheep. "On my God." Hoseok quietly breathed out. Shining my light on him I saw he had a terrified look on his face. I looked where he was shining his flashlight to see a man with purple hair hovering over something. His back was facing me so I couldn't see his face. "What the fuck-" I started, but instantly shut up when the man looked up, still not facing us but what was right ahead of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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