Kacchan and I are now home after stopping and talking with his supervisor he was given the next month off from work sense per the Dr. his 1st heat was coming and we don't want him to be anywhere but home when it happens so he has a better idea of what symptoms to look for and won't be as surprised when the next heat appears.

Now that we were home I was also starting to feel the need to nest. I looked at my calendar in my phone and noticed my heat was soon as well and nesting was always 1st. I went up to my room and giggled as I saw Kacchan had went upstairs and was standing in front of Eijiro's and my door with this look of desperately wanting to go in but knows he shouldn't. "Kacchan, were you wanting something from my room?" His cheeks went pink.

"I just really want stuff that smells like everyone in the house right now. I can't calm down and I feel the need to find some random place to put it." Kacchan says not quite understanding the need to nest.

I smile at Kacchan. "That is your instinct to nest by surrounding yourself in scents from others you care for and or have an attraction to. I'm actually feeling the same way as you right now. Kacchan how about you go and get some of yours and Shoto's stuff like blankets pillow clothes and I'll grab Eijiro's and my stuff and let's meet on the main floor so we can get what we want and find a place to put it." I make a plan with Kacchan to try and make it easier for us to gather what we want.

After about an hour of collecting items and looking through the main floor rooms Kacchan and I found a room on the main floor that had the biggest walk in closet, that gave us enough room for both of us to be in it and we still had room to spare. "You must be close to your heat too then if you are wanting to nest." Kacchan stating as we place together the nest how we want it to look.

"That is correct, I tend to nest a little every month but sense being marked when we make it to every 3rd month when I now have my heat the strongest I end up making a nest with as many items as I can. Oh, that's also why sometimes you have random items missing as well sorry it's hard not to take it when a nest feels needed to help you feel relaxed and comfortable." I say to Kacchan.

[Nesting happens when an omega is feeling anxious and needs to find comfort from what they have or have taken from the people they care for and by surrounding themselves in the nest with everyone's scents they start to feel relaxed. Omega's sometimes feel the need to hide their nest to try and keep others out or only let who they want in. It is their territory even if most of the stuff is not theirs.

Being marked is when an alpha bites the scent glands on the back of an omegas neck marking them as theirs and no one elses. The mark the becomes a bond that shows they are mates. After an omega is marked their hearts become less a little more tolerable for the omega to where they only have to stay home for a week every 3 months instead of every month.]

We both take a step back and look at what we have been putting together. We ended up making one nest to share together sense after we collected the items we wanted we couldn't decide how to separate them. "Hey Kacchan why do you go in a take a bath sense this room has one and I'll go shower in my room I have a couple items to grab real quick when I come back down and I think after the day you've had relaxing in a bath would be good. I'll bring you down a change of clothes as well so you don't need to worry about that."

Kacchan smiled at me. "Thanks Deku I don't think I could be this calm right now if you hadn't been here to help me. Let's talk more after I take bath you suggested. Good thing this omega collar is water proof sense my pheromones are starting to get stronger by the day keeping it on is probably the solution." I nodded in agreement.

-Time skip-

*3rd person POV

Katsuki had just finished drying himself off and wrapped his towel around his waist and headed out to the room so he could put on the clothes Izuku had brought for him to wear. When Katsuki looked at Izuku he saw what was wearing then looked to see what was picked out for him on the bed smiling what was chose, Izuku had picked them items to wear that would give us the scent if everyone in the house.

BNHA Omegaverse TodoBaku KiriDeku (On Hold For Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora