chunin exams part. 2

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Hey people I'm locked out of my house at the moment so I'm next door and decided to update because I have nothing else to do.... I hope you enjoy :)


The gates open and we ran into the forest and I can feel myself getting excited so we decide to walk around for a bit to see if I can find someone and hopefully see if they have the scroll that we need. We walk around for a bit and I find two people fighting more like 3 people being kill one killing them. I see one of the other leaf teams behind a bush and motion for them to stay there. I notice that the person doing the killing is Gaara hmmm I wonder if u should say hi. I decide to... I walk out and see Gaara kill the last person, I smile and walk up to him

"Hey what cha going there" he looks at me and I see a tint of happiness but temari and kankuro look scared of him and are wonder how I can not be scared of him. My team comes out of the bush and walk over to me

" hey can we hang out with them for a bit till we find a team" they nod and I turn to Gaara to see if its ok with him he nods and we all start walking.

After about five minuets of walking around we come across one of the teams from the rain village team and I look at Gaara

" this team is mine but you can have the blood" he nods and I look at the team, they smirk

" give me the scroll and I won't hurt you" I start to giggle and turn to haku and sasuko, they nod knowing not to interrupt me in this fight. I turn to the rain group and smile

" this is going to be fun, and I have been waiting along time for this and I'm sorry but it is your time to die" they look at each other laughing thinking that I'm some small weak little girl and that I have no chance.

I run at them and touch touch them on the shoulder and then jump back. I look at all of them and they are smirking

" now what are we going to do brade each others hair and gossip" i chuckle and look at them and haku and sasuko take a step back. i look at gaara and smile and he looks calm and relaxed.i turn back to the rain ninja and focus on their chakra

" you will start to  feel your lungs tighten, your blood will start to expand and your vains will pop" i could hear and see them screaming i smirk

" the blood will begin to push against your skin till it cant keep it in and then you will eventurally explode and so will your internal organs" they explode infront of me, i see sand moving collecting the blood and moving back to gaaras gourd. i feel more at peace now, i look at gaara and see that some of the blood lust is gone, i pick up the scrole and its the one we need.

"were all finished so lets go to the tower" they all nod and i walk next to gaara

i whisper "ill be back soon i have a feeling about something cover for me?" he nod and i run the other way for about five minuets before i come across sasuke and sakura and in front of me with a grass ninja in front of them

"hae need any help?" they all look at me i smile and sit on a branch, sasuke grunts then turns back to the grass ninja, i jump down next to him and sit down and look at the grass ninja, sasuke turns to me 

"and how do we know that your not someone else?" i mirk and look at him and shake my head

"awww sas-kun doesnt belive its me.....i could change that you know" i smirk and move closer, im standing right infront of him and move 

"but why would i when you pushed me away, so why would i" he nods acknowledge that its me and i turn back to the grass ninja and shake myhead, he touches his eye and sasuke and sakura are sent into a what i assume is a powerful genjutsu. i can see them shaking i turn back to the grass ninja and he looks shocked

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