Is it Haku's time to die? part 2

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this is a continue on of last chapter :) please let me know how im doing


the flash back ends and i feel a tear at the corner of my eyes  but i refuse to let it go, i will not let my emotions controle me. i was 6 at the time that it happened. i look up to see naruto charging at the boy but at the last minuet he stops him and flashes in front of kakashi taking the blow ment for zabuza. i get a tuging feeling in my stomach and the only time that happens is when someone dies that isnt ment to.

kakashi lies the boy and the ground with a sad look in him eye "looks like he was useful after all" i look at zabuza after he said that and for the first time i feel hate.

"how could you just say that, he gave his life for you, everything because he was loyel to you and you dont even care" naruto screams at him and then i see sadness in zabuzas eyes and then i know tha he truely does care. naruto is still yelling, but now zabuza is crying.

up ahead i see what i assume to be gato nad his men. "well looks like you failed, zabuza" he looks down at hakus body and grins

"this is the boy that broke my arm" and kickes him in the head. i see zabuza getting angry. the cloth wasnt around his mouth anymore and his arms have long since stoped working. 

"boy give your kunai" zabuza tells naruto, he smile and happyly throws it to him and zabuza chages at gato and the army of people, gato runs through everyone and zabuza is not for behind cutting through all the people that try to stop him. i cant see anything else because of all the people but i hear him call out to kakashi to take him over to haku. kakashi lies him down beside the boy and he looks at him

"im sorry haku i was i could go to the same place as you, but i cant and i only wish that i could" he touches his face and turns is face to us

" you there the girl with the shaded hair" i nod at him and walk closer and kneel down next to him "you have seen alot of death havent you" i nod at him and he chuckles

" i want you to look after my sword, i want somene who will use it for the right reason it have it" its my turn to chuckle

"dont you thik its a bit big for me, and i dont have anyone to train me to use it"  he nods

"but i want you to have it still, trin with it and you will learn and grown with it and will have amazing power that use can use for the right reason not the wrong reasons like i did" i smile down at him and nod

"i want to tell you something, the boy haku it wasnt his time to die but it is yours and for that i am sorry but i can bring haku back but only this once for him" zabuzas eyes widen

"do it" i nod and move over to haku, i use my let hand to move the blood through his body to his heart and i left hand to heal hakus heart and force it to beat and i do that for about 3 more minuets but i didnt relise that zabuza has already died, the colour returns to hakus face and he opens his eyes and look up at me 

"where is zabuza?" i nod next to him and he looks over at him and instantly know what has happened 

"why?" i sigh and put my hand on his sholder

"i told him that it wasnt your time to die bacause its not , but i could bring you back and his final request was for me to do it" he nods and i move over to zabuza and take the sword strap off him. haku looks at me with confusion in his eyes

"he wanted me to take the sword and use it for good the way he says he never did" haku nod and stands up and looks at the others and the others look at him in shock 

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