The chunin exams part 1!

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hae im writing this at school so i dont know how long its going to be ok:) i just hope that you  like it... see yall later


the exams are coming up soon they are tomorrow and i feel so excited, im in the hokages office at the moment but i dont know why i know im doing the exams by my self so why am i here. just then haku nad some other guy walks in,

"inori this is your team for the exams hakuyou already know but the other person is susuko" i nod to them and look back at the hokage

"sir i thought i was going the exams by my self that was what you said" i look at him confused but he nods

"that was because you didnt have anyone to team up with and you brought haku back with you and sasuko graduated the acadamy early, so know you do have a team and i will be your sensei till after the exams" we nod at him and he give us each a piece of paper, we already new what it was so we nod and leave.

"lets head to the training ground to learn a bit more about each other and how we can work together" they nod and we all walk to ward the training grounds where i see the sand siblings training

"i hope your all behaving as best you can" they all look at me and nod and i see gaara has a bit more emotion on his face.

i lead my group to the trees and we sit down " i already know abit about haku so for now lets start with you sasuko" he nods and faces both of us

"im from the aigura clan and were the best at fighting, i can fight all ranges and i am skilled at taijutsu as well" i nod

"what elemant are you?" he looks at me

"lightning style" i nod he could be handy

"haku is ice and water style and i am not specifyed, but my mains are glass crystal, but i have others as well" they both nod a me, themn i motion for haku tell about him self and he complys

"im haku as inori-chan told you i can use ice it is my kekei genkai and i am the only left of my clan that i know of. i am technicly anbu rank and was working with zabuza momochi for most of my up bringing" sasuko nods but i new most of this already , ok my turn now i guess because they both turn to me

" im inori i dont have a last name, my clan i was born into is dead bit i have two abilitys one as you know is the glass and crystal and the other is death,i am the only one it is a special power i was born with and i dont need a jutsu to use it. i can kill with mear words and i am s-rank level" there eyes widen and i just give them a closed eye smile.

i look up at the sky and see its getting dark " we should be leaving to get some sleep, and we will met here tomorrow before the exams and go together" they both nod and we stand up and leave. i head home and get make myself some stake and sit on the roof, i had a feeling i would be habing compony so i brought up extra just in case. after sitting there for a couple of minuets i feel a presence behind me, i look and see gaara, i motion for him to sit down and he does.

"stake?" his eyes widen and for a moment he look slike the happyest person in the world

"how is it cooked?" i look over at him and chuckle while shaking my head and look back at the moon

"medium rear still a bit of blood in it.....i hope you dont mine" i look back at him and his mouth is watering i could see a little sparkle in his eyes and for the first time i have acually seen he is really smileing not a small one or a smirk but a full smile like he just got given a box of cookies and he was told he could have them all.

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