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temari opened the door to find a person there

"sorry i must have the wrong room" they go to walk away but kankuro decides to talk which will not end very well

"so whats a beautyful girl like you doing on a day like this" kankuro trys to flirt but by the looks its not going veery well

"girl" they look confused and so does kankuro. the person starts to chuckle

"my name is haku" kankuro smile at haku like he has just found out its christmas everyday for the rest of the year

"how about we go out for dinner some time" kankuro wins at her and she chuckles

"im a boy" my eyes widen and temari bursts into laughter and kankuro curls up into a ball on the floor  and i keep a streight face but inside i have this weard feeling i dont no what this feeling is and i dont no if i want to get rid of it 

haku left and i went to room and sat down on my bed trying to think about what i should do, for some reason that inori girl intreegs me and i dont know what to do about her. i lie down on my bed and decide to think things over for a bit. i cant stop thinking about her and her hair her eyes he atitude everything about her pulls me to her but from the way the uchiha looks at her, i can tell he like her as well. 

its getting late and i go and sit on the roof and look up at the moon. i see someone walking down the street and they look familiar but i cant tell where from untill i see the hair and i know it her, but i wont talk to her i will not allow me at get attached to anyone like i did with one will hurt or betray me again. she looks up at me any smiles but i see sadness and hatred in her eyes but it isnt directed at me she continues to walk and goes into the forest and im curious to know why so i decide to follow her.

she walked for about 5 minuets before she came across a pond/lake the water was crystal clear and had a variety of different trees around it but the main were sakura trees and redwoods.


I felt someone following me but i had a hunch on who it was i was just randomly walking trying to get rid of them when i found this pond but it was bigger than your average pond and it was breath taking the wind was blowing my hair around and mixing it with sakura pedals i felt so calm that i almost for got about him. i saw a little dock and decided to sit on it and put my feet in the water. 

"you may as well join me, i know your there"

he walks out with his arms crossed and his expressionless face. i look back at the water and just look at everything.

 i hear the dock squick and see gaara i move over so he can sit down but he doesnt put his feet in.

"you no you can putyour feet in he wont come out or do anything as long as im here" he nods and takes his shoes off and slowly puts his feet in the water and shivers, i giggle and he frowns 

"whats so funny" i look him 

"dont worry it will get warmer" he nods and looks in the water

"why arent you affraid of me?" i look at him in shock

"look into the water the do you see?" he looks into the water

"i see my self"

"exactly, i see you for you not what is inside of you" i pat the water and it creates ripples in the water

"can you see your self clearly now? he shakes his head

"this is what people see because they have fear there judgement is clouding what really is" he nods 

"so im not a monster?" i shake my head 

"you never were gaara, because you cant control it they feared you and what IT coud do, but with training over time some of that fear might go away" he nods 

"dont be like whats inside you, that is wha  is bloodlustful not you and that is why you need to learn to control it...with it you could do great good in the world"  he nods again and looks into the water 

"and gaara" he looks up at me "dont push away your family they need you as much as you need them talk to them be nicer and they can help you as well" he nods i stand up and hold my hand out, his eyes widen and just smile. he takes his feet out of the water and takes my hand, i help him up and he puts his shoes on and we walk back to the village.

we have at gaaras hotel and walk inside "remember what i said about family, i cant do that because i dont have mine anymore but you can still make amenz with your ok" he nods and i hug him, he tences before slowly hugging me back. he was hugging me as if he was afraid to break me. i pull away good night gaara, i kiss he cheek and leave but not before i see a tint of pink on his cheek the decision is now up to him weather he wants to take my advice or not. 

guess we will find out tomorrow.


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