"I'm sorry but...I'm...I don't..." He nervously ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm straight." Now Jason couldn't hold back anymore. A loud, dry laugh escaped his mouth.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked and Sehyoon's expression changed from confused and embarrassed to angry.

"Yes, I am. I mean how would you know it better than me? And why would I go on a date with someone I don't know anyways?" Jason snorted amused.

"You don't know your date either, am I not right? I know you better than you will ever know her. I mean, you are not even sure, if you like her. You only want to date her, because your parents will like it!"

At the expression in Seyhoon's face, he could see that he had hit the truth. That shouldn't be a surprise, he had just repeated what the other himself had told him so long ago. After a short moment, the older opened his mouth to say something, but in that moment, the elevator stopped and Jason ran out, without looking back, tears gathering in his eyes like so often. He just felt so desperate and was angry at himself. He still had no idea how he was supposed to stop Sehyoon from dying, but instead of doing something against it, he acted like a jealous idiot and had wasted his only chance to somehow convince him to not go on the date.

But he wouldn't just give up. He would prevent the accident from happening. Even if he had to follow the other the whole day tomorrow.


Like that he found himself stalking Sehyoon the whole next day. The woman seemed to have said yes to the older's offer for dinner, because he was especially cheerful. Meanwhile, Jason's mood fitted the weather quite well. Dark and rainy. But luckily because of this, Sehyoon decided to not go out for lunch and stay inside instead. The thing was, Chan knew, his friend would die on the day of the date, but he didn't know, if maybe it was another one or at what time exactly the accident would happen. It could be before or after the dinner, but at least he should be safe as long as he was inside, because crossing streets there was kind of hard.

This way, hour after hour passed and soon it was already evening and everybody left for the weekend. Sehyoon included.
While following him on the way home, Jason nearly died himself, because of stress. Whenever the older came closer to a street than 10 meters, he prepared himself to jump on it and drag him away from it again. But this time too, nothing happened and they both safely arrived at Sehyoon's apartment complex, Jason still unseen by his former friend and now sweating.
Since it would have been quite conspicuous, he didn't follow him inside and waited in front of the entrance, hidden by a bush. Even though it was a completely different situation, it reminded him of all the times he had played hide and seek with Sehyoon and his chest felt warm at the memory.

However, by the time, the older finally appeared outside again, Jason had nearly been frozen to an ice sculpture, because to top it all, it also had started raining. But at the sight of Sehyoon, nicely dressed and fully styled, with a black umbrella in his hands, he immediately thawed again. In his opinion, he looked hot enough to be able to replace the sun and he wanted nothing more than to be the one, the other had dressed for like this. Once more, Jason felt jealousy rise in him, but he shook it off. This wasn't important right now.

Quickly he started walking behind Sehyoon, letting some space between them, so he wouldn't get noticed. Like the past times, everything went smoothly, without any kind of danger.
Jason was already about to breath in and relax for the moment and until after the date, when it all happened, in only a timespan of some seconds.

They stood at a traffic light, hardly any people or cars around, and the signal went green.
Sehyoon started to cross the street, the younger some meters behind him, to not attract attention, when suddenly a truck appeared out of nowhere. It raced down the street and directly towards the older, without slowing down, apparently not seeing him nor caring about the red signal.
Jason couldn't move, while he watched in horror, how the truck came closer and closer. Then suddenly, the life came back into his body.

"Sehyoon! Watch out!" He screamed but the other was too far away and didn't hear him.

Jason started running as fast as he could, but he knew, he wouldn't be able to make it in time. Still he ran, driven by adrenalin and his despair. The gap between them closed itself way too slowly and he felt hopeless.

"Sehyoon! Run!" He screamed again, his lungs feeling like they would burst at any moment and this time the older seemed to have heard him.

Confused he stopped and looked back, to search for the person who was calling him, before his eyes fell on the approaching truck. By now, Jason had nearly reached him and could clearly see the way in which Sehyoon's eyes widened in horror and a second later how his body collided with the truck. Because of the speed and strength of it, Sehyoon seemed to fly over the whole street, before he remained motionless a few meters away.

"NO!" Jason cried out horrified.

As fast as possible he ran to Sehyoon and fell onto his knees next to him. The older looked, like he had directly come out of one of Jason's nightmares; full of blood which started to get mixed with the rain, the limbs unnaturally twisted and without moving.

"Sehyoon! Can you hear me? Sehyoon, please!" He called.

He couldn't be dead. He just couldn't. It had been his task to prevent this from happening! Jason's thoughts were a mess and he felt tears streaming down his face. He desperately started repeating Sehyoon's name over and over again like that would somehow heal him again.

"Sehyoon...Sehyoon...Sehyoon..." It only came out as a whimpering.

Suddenly the older slightly opened his eyes, not really focusing anything. Hope washed over Jason like a wave.

"Thank God, you aren't dead! You have to hold on, do you hear me?!" He carefully bed Sehyoon's head in his lap, but then his eyes slowly started to close themselves again and panic rose in Jason.

"You have to stay awake! Please, Sehyoon, or else I will lose you and I can't lose you again! Please...," he begged. "I can't lose you without even having found you properly."

Meanwhile, other people had started gathering around them, shouting and hastily dialing the number of the emergency call, but Jason completely blended them out. The only important thing right now was his friend. He took his hand and clasped it, as if he could prevent Sehyoon from leaving this world, if he only held on him tight enough, sobs shaking his whole body.

"Please, you can't leave me, I love you." He sobbed, feverishly stroking the other's dark hair with shaking and bloody hands. Then he bent down and softly pressed a kiss to Sehyoon's forehead, not caring that he could taste his blood on his lips nor that his clothes were completely soaked with rain water and the red liquid by now.

"I love you," he whispered once more, putting as much of the love and longing he felt in these three words as possible.

At this, the older slightly opened his eyes again, one last time. He seemed to use all strength left in him to focus and looked directly at the younger, his eyes tracing every of Jason's features with an expression as if he was seeing him properly for the first time.

"Jason...," he mumbled, so quietly that the other would never know if he had heard it right, before his eyes closed themselves again and the life eventually faded out of his body. 


NEVER EVER read this while listening to "Dumbledore's farewell" bc I did that while writing this and you see what happened... 

Although...I dare you to listen to this while reading Sehyoon's death again ^^


(I wanted to upload this like two hours ago but I got distracted, I'm sorry kdhsjl)

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