Like this the first two months passed without him having enough time to really think about anything else than his new life and even finding Sehyoon became second priority. Still, whenever he could, he sat in a Café, not far from the building in which the older theoretically worked in, and hoped he would somehow see him there, but he didn't.

Meanwhile, his friends spent their time like some characters in a teenager movie.

Seungjun easily befriended the probably prettiest other freshman in the whole country, called Hyojin, while Chan already got a huge Crush on a senior with the name Junhee. However, Jason was a little scared of the latter. He was extremely handsome but seemed to always look incredible serious. It gave him the look of a prince and he wasn't sure if Chan would ever have a chance with someone like him. Still he tried to support his friend and spent a lot of time in the library or outside, stalking the senior, because Chan couldn't get enough of him, but was too afraid to just talk to Junhee. Instead he sometimes sent little presents or even short letters. It was extremely cheesy and helpless and Jason wasn't sure if he should worry about his friend or not, but he had enough other problems to care about. So, he let him do his thing and started to do his own, too, which ended in him regularly patrolling in front of Sehyoon's working place.

Firstly, it seemed to be fruitless until one month later, his wish became finally true.

He had just taken his normal place for the next hours in front of the company building, when suddenly a familiar, tall figure appeared on the other side of the street, accompanied by a small, middle aged woman. Despite her age it was clear that she must have been really pretty in her youth and Jason knew immediately that it had to be Sehyoon's mother.

And the latter himself, the moment he saw him, Jason felt his heart stop beating just to continue at double speed. All the other people on the crowded street vanished and he only had eyes for him. Sehyoon looked even more perfect in real life than in his memories. His dark hair was a mix between being styled and letting it fall naturally and his skin shimmered like gold in the sun.

Jason fell in love all over again and his chest ached with longing, when he saw how Sehyoon smiled about something his mother must have said.

Before he knew, what he was doing, he was on his feet, walking into their direction. It happened completely automatically; his brain seemed to be switched off. The only thing that led him was his heart which had missed the other so much, it had hurt every day and wanted nothing more than to finally feel his touch again.

His mouth and voice, too, worked on their own.

"Sehyoon! Sehyoon!" He screamed and everybody around him turned to see what was going on.

But it worked; Jason could see, how Sehyoon's mother also looked back curiously. She lightly punched her elbow in her son's side.

"Could it be that the boy is calling for you?" Jason could hear her asking.

Now the other also turned around, looking bewildered and stopped walking. Jason continued running and then finally reached them.

" waited," he got out, panting heavily.

Then he looked up and was met with the same brown eyes, he had always loved to drown in and which had followed him in his memories, wherever he had gone. But even though they were Sehyoon's eyes, they weren't the ones he knew. The warm glimmer with which the older had always looked at him was missing and instead replaced by confusion and curiosity. The feeling that something was completely wrong manifested even more in Jason.

The older raised his eyebrows in question, while he eyed him.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

My Imaginary Friend (WowkwanFF/Eng)Where stories live. Discover now