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1 year later

We both had taken our sweet time to plan the big fat Indian wedding of ours, both our parents were excited and over the moon, slowly but finally a lot of our family members came along with the idea of us being a couple, and those who didn't we just decided not to invite them, because after an year of that drama things had been smooth and we wanted it just that way.

I still had a few aunts of mine, who would take me on blind dates without telling me and as much as it angered me, coming home to my beautiful girls would just vanish all of it. I wished that there will be a time when people would accept us, all of us, but for now I know that people needed time.

As of now, I have not seen Ahana for two days and I feel like these whole following rituals is something I shouldn't have agreed to, I miss her like crazy, my whole body craves to be near her, and our beautiful baby Zaina, she is so happy to be with her grandparents, she sleeps with me in my hotel room sometimes, and then she goes to Ahana.

Zaina can now walk, and words cannot describe what I felt the day, she took her first step.

I feel like she is growing up so fast, like it was just yesterday when we brought her home, and look at her now, running around the whole house.

I and Ahana decided we wanted to get engaged where we first met, New York, and then continue all the rest of our rituals in Lake Como, Italy, two very different places, but we wanted it that way, so we took our time. The best part is we both sponsored the whole wedding, mostly parents pay for them, but as a kid I always wanted this to be my way, and when I told Ahana, she agreed quickly.

Finally the priest was done with prayers and rituals which our parents had to perform, he called Ahana. His father and brothers went to bring her, as soon as she entered, I felt my heart skip a beat or two, and it was like falling in love with her all over again. She looked like a goddess herself had come down on earth. How could I be so lucky?

Finally, it was my turn! All eyes would be on me. My cousin brothers, uncles, Ranbir and Karan came with chaddar, which was made of my mother's wedding dress, again one of the Indian rituals.

Generally it's the family members, who brought the chaddar and took the bride, but I wanted Ranbir and Karan to be with me here as well, and they were so happy when I asked them.

Walking down the aisle seemed longer than before. I held my father's arm tightly, he became my strength; I would have fainted had he not been here with me.

Everyone looked at me, taking pictures, recording videos to save the moment, some even waved.

If I wasn't mistaken, I could have sworn I saw tears in Ahana's eyes, as they were in mine.

The butterflies in my stomach increased as soon as I reached her, I looked at her, and we both smiled and said "Hi." to each other at the same time. Soon the rituals began; we exchanged our floral garlands during the Jai maala, and then happened the kanyadaan which both our fathers performed. We were tied together, we circled the fire, also known as 7 phere, each round signifying a special blessing of the gods, and then they kept on going, but all I knew was I was going to live the rest of my life with love of my life.

As soon as the rituals ended, we all had dinner, and celebrated the rest of the night.

As soon as the rituals came to an end, we went the suite we booked for us.

"Finally! I get to hug you, kiss you and have you all for myself." Ahana said hugging me.

I hummed to this because I couldn't have agreed more.

I kissed her, putting all my emotions in that kiss, and Ahana kissed me back with the same intensity.

This was what I wanted, this moment meant so much to me, she was my everything.

And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever.


I can't believe, I just wrote a novel. You guys have loved and supported me so much through out, I started with no aim, no benchmark and look where we are today. Thank you so much.

I hope to see you all real soon.

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Till next time people.

Much Love To All,

Khushee Taneja


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