Chapter 2.

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The secrets, the reason of a lot my sleepless nights.

The secret which I know is very near to be revealed, because I am engaged and soon to be MRS. Malhotra, which is one thing I sure as hell, cannot let happen.

At the age of 19, I found that it was odd that rather than having crush on guys or finding them attractive, I found girls attractive.

I used to think it was common, until one day this topic came up when I was talking to Karan and he asked me describe more about it.

And BAM.

I found out, I was a lesbian myself.

At first, all I wanted was to end my life, because of the hatred my parents had for people like me.

But then, I found her, the love of my life, Ahana Kapoor, we met in New York during our business meeting, turns out she lives in Bandra as well, working as a fashion blogger for vogue India, what a small world.

We both fell in love, and have been dating for past 2 years.

Where Ahana's parents know about us, mine know her as my best friend.

Initially, it came as shock to her parents, but they didn't protest about it and slowly, they started understanding about us.

Ahana and I have never had a fight about anything, except the recent issue which has been giving me headaches.

Yeah you guessed it right, marriage!

I just don't know, what the heck happened?

I would be lying, if I say I didn't see it coming, one thing in India is that a girl more than 25 year old and single; is some sort of a crime.

I know, I am over-exaggerating a lot, but at some point we know this problem is real.

My parents just went on a research, without even informing and the next day, they are talking about this guy who is in restaurant business and stuff.

I was confused and naïve enough to not see the red flags, which there talks, were shoving in my face, all I thought is he was a random guy.

But nope, ladies and gentlemen, all I remember is going home after a tiring day at work and having the shock of my life, he and his family sitting there in front of me, in my bloody house.

Within a week, before I even could get a chance to protest, which in my defense I tried a lot, I was engaged to this businessman named Ranbir Malhotra, in a very intimate function.

I tried and tried to talk to my parents, but every time things would come, issues were brought and I would be lying if I said I didn't use them as an excuse.

Call it procrastination, or that I am a useless and a coward piece of shit, who is not able stand for her own love.

It sounds typical cliché story, but that people, is the reality of my life, the only thing my parents hate the most, I seemed to be a part of that.

But then again, it is not my fault, is it?

I mean I didn't choose to be lesbian, I just somehow got lucky and I am not ashamed of it.

But, yes I am scared to disclose it to my family.

I just don't get, why people hate us?

And this was not my thought because I turned out to be one; I had the very same thought, when I thought I was straight.

Why do you hate them? I have asked this question millions of time to my parents and all they say, it was their wrong choice.

Whereas I think, if being a gay or a lesbian was a choice, then when did you decide to become straight?

Its like, being gay or lesbian is being left handed. Some people are and some people are not, we don't know why? It's not right or wrong, it's just the way things are!

My thoughts were brought to pause when the driver, told me that I had reached my destination.

I thanked him and rushed out of the cab, getting mentally prepared for the worst possibilities, my day could have.


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Khushee Taneja

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