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C: ''you're not saying anything?''

He pushed her up, he wanted to see her face. Sanem avoided his gaze looking down.

S: ''I guess... I knew it would happen... This is your life after all...''

Can lifted her chin with one finger, ''you are part of my life now Sanem''

S: ''if you are thinking of not going because of me, this is not a good idea.''

C: ''why not?'' although he agreed with her, he wanted to know her train of thoughts.

She semi-rolled her eyes, the mix of feelings was uncomfortable.

S: ''listen Can, we... I... '' he gave her time to find words. ''you can't stop doing what you love for me, this is not right... you might regret it.''

C: ''I don't think I would.'' He caressed her cheek.

C: ''what if you meet someone while I'm away?'' he smiled.

She scoffed, ''there is no risk of that!''

C: ''oh I don't think so...'' he placed small kisses under her ear and up her jaw line to her chin.

Sanem shivered and tried to control her breathing: ''Can... this is serious, please...''

He backed off, regained composure and stopped smiling, ''I know... I... Listen Sanem... the way I feel about you... I... I've never felt this way about anyone...''

S: ''me neither...'' she interrupted.

C: ''I had never told I love you to anyone until you... it's overwhelming for me too ok?''

She nodded and looked at his hands, she was playing with his fingers as if they were her own.

She lifted her head, her eyes were filled with sadness, ''you are overwhelmed because you love me but you want to go... that's ok... we can enjoy the next few days and then... then you go and come back.'' She dropped a light kiss on his lips and remained in the position, her lips on his, nose to nose. ''I love you.''

With those words, she was giving him the security he desperately needed. He lifted her under her arms and dragged her body closer to his, roughly deepening their kiss one brush of his tongue at a time. She wrapped her arms around his neck naturally seeking contact.

C: ''then, we're fine right?'' he whispered on her mouth. She gave him a tearful nod.

S: ''I love you Can Divit, I love you.'' They let out a small laugh and kept kissing; he bit her upper lip and pulled it into his mouth licking at the same time. She moaned into his mouth, loving his embrace and slowly learning to respond to it.

C: ''we enjoy a few days...'' kiss ''I go...'' kiss ''and come back'' their tongues danced for a while, savouring the instant they admitted their feelings and imprinting each other with their scent, feel and body.

S: ''next trip... I'm coming with you ok?''

C: ''promise.'' He knew she wasn't ready yet, and 3 weeks in Mongolia would have been a cruel introduction to travel.

Sanem placed her hands on his chest and gently tapped, ''so, tell me about Mongolia then!''

He gave her the details of the project and showed her on google map where he would be travelling to and form.

S: ''is it safe? There is no hospital in the middle of nowhere if you get hurt.''

C: ''taking photographs?'' he raised an eyebrow but she wasn't amused, ''we'll have a satellite phone and a couple of cars, I am not alone Sanem.'' He thought it was cute that she was worried for him.

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