Chapter 8

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Welcome back peeps! I hope you enjoy this chapter.
BlackLightning POV.

Great. Just great. I might lose my job or my life because a dragon put his claws on the princess or because they found out I told the princess about her mother. I let out a low growl as I walked with the princess. The princess gave me a startled look before ducking her head and hopping in front of me. 

We reached the elder's room and walked in. "We're here, Elders," I announced. I could feel their anger radiating from thirty feet away. I gave them a quick bow before walking towards them. The princess is too oblivious to sense how serious this is. She bounded towards the Elders and nuzzled against Elder Whittaker's leg.

Their expressions softened just a little bit before turning back to me. "The guard you sent has told us of what happened today, but we want you to tell us what exactly happened," Elder Magma ordered.

"Of course, Elders. As you know, I brought the princess into town to get some treats for her." I started.

"That's right! I got ice cream and a bag of candy!" Princess Lylian exclaims. Elder Whittaker smiled and nuzzled her head before letting me continue.

"So before we were able to get some treats, the princess saw a crowd of dragons protesting against you, the elders." Some of the elders scoffed or wrinkled their about as I said that.

"I didn't want the princess to get involved so I gave her the money to get ice cream and candy as I dealt with the protesters. For some reason there wasn't any guards around so I suspect a spy in our ranks or the guards were bribed. And before you say anything I will be investigating this situation as punish the dragons responsible.

The leader seemed to be a skinny red fire dragon with short spikes and a medium length tail. I was able to approach the leader, but I wasn't able to question him. All the dragon would do was argue with me and try to soil your names. This dragon would talk about a rebellion starting soon and how the princess would be in the middle of this."

The elders let out roars and growls of anger and disgust. Elder Magma is now fuming, smoke could be seen coming out of his nostrils and ears. "How dare he bring the princess into this! Have him killed for talk of treason!" He roared.

Princess Lylian is now hiding behind Elders Whittaker's legs. She is obviously distressed at how the elders are reacting. It didn't help that she is a lot more sensitive to sounds. Elder Whittaker wrapped his tail around her and tried to comfort her.

Elder Whirlpool noticed the princess and scolded Elder Magma. "Magma! Please calm down! Can't you see you are scaring the princess? Well technically we all are, but still! We need to question this dragon ourselves first and please refrain form speaking of killing in front of the princess also." She looked at me and said,"You may continue General."

"Of course Elder Whirlpool. As we were arguing I noticed the crowd getting wilder. Now I am trying to argue with this dragon and keep the crowd under control. That's when I noticed the princess sneaking closer in the corner of my eye."

"Oh yeah! That's when this rude dragon just picked me up! He carried me all the way to where BlackLightning was and plopped me down." The princess interrupted. Elder Magma looked even more outraged, the other elders are trying to keep their anger inside, their claws are digging into the floor and they let out low growls.

"And then the red dragon asked me questions and BlackLightning was growling at him and saying smoothing about not to touch me and stuff. And so the red dragon asked me weird questions about if you were acting strange so I said yes because you were making me do lessons over the summer and how boooooring it is and then I said something about how StarFox and Aquatic has to do lessons and then he interrupted me and asked me about why StarFox and Aquatic would be doing lessons but then BlackLightning interrupted him and that's when the other guards finally came." The princess finished.

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