Chapter 1

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Finally done with this chapter! A little thing you should know about this book is there is modern technology, food, clothes, etc. However there are no modern buildings. I was planning to publish this earlier this month but I got lazy, and now I'm sick. -_-Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

3rd POV. 

Four years later
A small dragonet was running through the castle halls, giggling,"Heheheheh. You won't catch up with me!" She yelled.

A black dragon was chasing after her, yelling,"Princess, stop running! You might hurt yourself! Lylian!" Unfurling her wings, she ran even faster. Running past other dragons, yelping in surprise. Way ahead of him she was already tired. Stopping to catch her breath, she managed to trip on her claws and twist them.

"Owie! My claws hurt!" Lylian whined, rubbing them. Now caught up, the black dragon gently bit the scruff of her neck and snorted. Carrying her through the white halls, he started walking towards two, huge wooden doors at the end of the hallway.

"I told you to stop. Now how am I supposed to explain to the elders how you got hurt without getting in trouble?" He said.

"I'm sorry BlackLightning, I just don't like hanging around the elders. Why can't I hang around with dragons my age?" She asked. As they got closer to the doors, she could see that the doorknob were golden Chinese dragons with ruby eyes. Many other types of dragons were on the door. Sapphire sea dragons, ruby fire dragons, emerald earth dragons, amethyst sky dragons, gold light dragons, obsidian night dragons and diamond dragons.

"Well two reasons; one, not all of them age like humans. Two, it is safer to stay with the elders than hang around with dragonets that can't even control their elements." He stated. Suddenly he stopped and dropped Lylian at his feet.

"State your names and business!" a thunderous voice shouted. Lylian shrank back, hiding behind BlackLightning's leg. Recognizing the voice, Lylian hoped in front of the door, waging her tail.

Pushing her aside BlackLightning said,"This is BlacklLightning and Princess Lylian." The door started glowing blue before glowing gold and slamming open with a thud. Walking in, the room was gigantic. There was gold everywhere, mountains of gold with all sorts of jewels in them, gold all over the walls, even paintings made purely of gold. Lined up in the middle of the gold were six large dragons, each a different color. A red dragon and blue dragoness sat on the other side of each other, in between them are a yellow dragoness, a white dragon, a purple dragon, and a green dragoness.

They all glared at BlackLightning with disgust but softened their glare as they saw Lylian. Lylian's eyes lit up with excitement as she bounded towards them. "Elwder Magma! Elwder Whirlpool! Elwder Sowar! Elwder Whittaker! Elwder Tempest! Elwder Ivy! I twipped again also I'm tired!" Lylian said , sitting in front of them now.

"I thought I told you to be careful little one. Does your feet hurt?" Scolded Elder Magma.

"Yes, also I'm tired, also I'm hungry. I want fish. I also want rice. Can I have both?" Lylian said.

Ignoring Lylian, Elder Magma turned towards BlackLightning and said,"You are dimissed now." he said disapprovingly. Bowing, BlackLightning left.

Lylian POV.

"Can't believe we let him near the princess. Who even allowed him into the castle?" Muttered Elder Magma. The elders started whispering between themselves, pushing me towards a pile of gold.

"Ooh! Shiny!" I pounced into the gold, burying myself. Wagging my tail, I started eating some of the gold. Chewing, I poked my head up as I heard a little scratching sound. Siting up, I looked at the elders, then back to where the sound came from.

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