Chapter 6

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Welcome back peeps! I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Lylian's POV

I got up from my bed. I noticed that I was in my human form. Mommy didn't visit me again. I hope she's okay. Maybe I should look for her. I thought. I looked around my room and saw StarFox and Aquatic sleeping next to me. The elders finally let them sleep with me! Yay! Now I won't be lonely and...and I'll be able to play with them during the night when Mommy isn't here! I thought excitedly.

I quickly hopped out of bed. I opened the trapdoor and walked down the stairs. The stairs had been added when I almost fell down the trapdoor by accident. Luckily BlackLightning caught me before I hit the floor. So now if I fall down I won't get as hurt.

I hopped down the stairs where BlackRose is waiting for me. She picked me up and brought me to the bathroom. She gave me a bath and I brushed my teeth. She then took me to the dining room for breakfast. For breakfast I have chocolate milk, scrambled eggs and toast with some fruits on the side.

I waited until StarFox and Aquatic got here to eat breakfast. When they did get here I ate and chatted with them. StarFox is too short to reach the table so she had to sit on some blankets. Aquatic sat in a booster seat to eat. They were both in their human form.

When I finished breakfast I got up to do my lessons. I quickly changed back into my dragon form and walked to the library. It's already 9:30. I started running to the library. I'm going to be late. I'm going to get yelled at again. I thought and pouted.

I reached the library door and quietly snuck in, but of course the tutor was here already. This tutor teaches me how to negotiate. He is a tall and skinny gold dragon named GoldClaw. GoldClaw's scales are a golden yellow color but his claws are made from gold, so are the spikes on his back. He's strict but if I do good he'll give me candy or toys(which is most of the time). He's a lot better then Mr-I'm-the-adult-so-listen-to-me-face.

"You're late princess." He said. He has deep musical voice.

"I'm sorry. I woke up late." I said. Please don't yell at me. I took my seat in front of him.

"Don't be late next time and try to wake up earlier." He said. He plopped a gold coin on the table. Every single dragon can't resist gold or anything shiny and being a dragonet I reached for the gold, but GoldClaw slide it closer to him. He also put a stick in front of me.

"Princess don't touch it. If you can successfully convince me that that stick is worth more than this piece of gold then I'll give it to you." He instructed.

"Urgg!" I whined. I shook my tail in frustration but sighed.

GoldClaw waited for me to try to convince him. " this stick is better than gold b-b-because it's...a magic stick! Yeah!" I said.

"Really? If it's magic may you show me? If it really is magic then I'll give you this gold." He said.

"Let me show you! I'll make this book float with this stick! And I'll totally not use my powers! At all!" I exclaimed as convincingly as I could. GoldClaw raises his eyebrows(or at least where they would be if he had them), but he didn't say a thing.

I waved the stick around the book. Good thing my Magic's teacher taught me how to make my magic go through objects. I slowly made the book float. I hope GoldClaw can sense the magic from the stick and not from me. I thought

"I'm impressed princess. You could convince other dragonet your age, maybe even older dragonets. You pass. Take this gold coin as my treat." He said. I could hear a hint of an impressed tone when he said that. I wagged my tail and grabbed the coin.

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