Chapter Two- Similar Dreams

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"I know that dress," Spring said looking at the soft blue material. She thought it clashed with Winter's pale skin, but anything darker would clash with her hair. It could be the only dress she owned.

"Does it matter?" Winter asked. Of course she knew this dress, she had seen Lily wearing it, her sister just looked nicer in the thing.

"Yes it matters."

Winter just looked at her. It didn't matter what she wore, as long as she could move in the damn thing, which this dress was borderline not letting her do.

"Why don't you come with me, and I'll show how to make a blanket," Spring said. She didn't want to fight with the young girl. She needed, and wanted, to earn her trust. "Grandma's not here. She's talking to the hunting team."

"I know."

"Sorry, you were a part of it," Spring said putting her hand over her mouth, as she showed her how to knit. A mother was going to have a baby, so she needed to make a blanket for the new baby. "I forgot, we don't many females hunting."

"Of course not."

"I'm going to get much out of you, am I?"


Spring only sighed as she showed her how to start. She wasn't going to get anyway, not this quickly. Winter didn't say anything as she start to make a blanket, sure she had to restart a few times. But she was getting better, until she made a babies blanket. Their were times she wished she was born male, then no one would question her part on the hunting team.

Hunting was dangerous, no matter how people looked at it.When deep enough hit, and they could die. Trip once, and you could become your prey's food. Deadly when you were by yourself, even being in a group didn't mean you were protected.

"I wish my brother was still here," Spring said to herself. She still remembered Adam, even if she was Lily's cycle when he died. "What about you Winter?"

"What about me?"

"Have you lost anyone?" Spring asked. She was just happy that Winter answered her first question, maybe this could be the break she was looking for.

Winter only looked at her. She doesn't remember losing anyone, sure, July and June passed away when she was in her thirteen cycle, but she hadn't been close to the two. The two twins did everything together, lived and died.

Spring only sighed. She could try again, maybe later, when her grandmother had started their training. She hoped Dylan knew what she was doing, since after this Winter was going to get a surprise. One she hoped that girl wouldn't take to badly, her grandmother just worried about people and Winter lived by herself. "Of course, she does."


"Spring is Winter here?" River asked as she came home. She had to check on how Luna was doing, their might be a few that would want to train with her after training with Luna, many won't.

She also talked with Lily. Telling her that her sister was going to be living with her and Spring from now. The girl only smiled and asked her to look after her sister. She knew Lily was smart and would catch on, without her saying it outloud and risk someone finding out their plan.

"Yes grandmother," Spring said putting her knitting down. Both she and Winter were able to make four baby blankets. Knitting took awhile, so she was only meant to knit either two baby blankets, or one blanket for someone older. After training she would be making clothes, maybe some for Winter, others can just get hand me downs.

She had tried talking to the girl, but she would just looked at her. Before starting the new row, or the next blanket.

"May I go?" Winter asked. She guessed that her training would start with the next bell ring, it was hard making up a lesson, not when you just heard about it.

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