Chapter 15: Senior prank plans

Start from the beginning

"I don't need you to fuck me." I say, patting Carter's hand that rests on the table. "I have my boyfriend for that."

"I hate you." He says after thinking for a long time.

"You must've had to use your brain for that amazing comeback. I bet it feels as good as new, seeing as you've never used it." I pause. "Have you ever considered suing your brain for non-support?"

Everyone goes "ohhh!"

His face gets red in embarrassment and anger. "I seriously hate you." He says.

"The feeling is mutual, cupcake." I point at the girls bathroom behind me. "Fuck off."

He's completely run out of things to say. He goes stomping off to the other side of the cafeteria.


I aced all the tests I had today, which was three. I'm at lunch, and everyone is chatting and laughing and Carter has his hand on my bare thigh, his hand inching closer to closer to the junction between my legs...

I gulp.

"Girl," Cody says. "I love your hair!" He's talking to Rachel.

"Thanks." She grins.

"And your makeup is spot on." He says. He's got the gay voice. I love Cody, he's so funny. "Let's say who we would fuck at this school." He says. "Without our other half," he adds. "I would so totally fuck Carter."

Carter's eyes get wide, and I just start laughing my ass off, and that's when he moves his hand all the way over.

My laughter cuts off immediately, and Carter leans over and whispers, "Watch yourself, Cinnamon. I think you and I both know that I know your special spots. I know what gets you going, and I can get you going just by touching you."

I gulp. He kisses my cheek and pulls his hand away slightly.

"I mean...come on, he's hot, he's got the muscles. Too bad he's taken." Cody shakes his head, smirking as he sips his smoothie. "Who would you fuck, Rox?"

I hesitate, looking around the cafeteria. "Honestly, nobody." I say.

"Lies." He says. "Fine. What celebrity would you fuck?"

I have to think really hard about this. "Eh..." I hesitate. "If he wasn't dead, definitely Paul Walker."

"Oh god yes, he is just a piece of man candy!" Cody claps his hands.

Carter arches his eyebrow at me and then slides his hand back over to my center and begins to rub.

"What are you doing under the table?" Ryan asks knowingly.

"Nothing." Carter says. I pull his hand away and cross my legs tightly, clenching them together.


Carter and I made a youtube channel and he has 2k followers on Instagram and he got us subscribers.

It's Friday and I'm at lunch. All of us are chatting loudly, laughing at everything.

"Attention students, can everyone please quiet down?"

It's over the intercom, and all of us get silent because one, it's the principal and he never goes on the intercom, and two, it's because nobody ever comes on the intercom and asks for silence.

"Thank you." He says. "Now, as I am sure all of you but new students and freshman know that at the end of the year, we have a field day on the last three days." He begins. "But due to last years events during the those days...and let me remind you of these." He pauses. "The first day Miss Roxy Lynne decided it would be hilarious to set firework off on the football field." Everyone looks at me and I smirk. "The second day, Miss Lynne decided to spray paint "F school" on the beachers, only she did not use the letter F." I'm smirking wider, very proud of myself. "The third and last day, Miss Lynne forked the football field and silly stringed the office and covered every toilet in clear plastic wrap." He sighs. "We were sort of hoping that we wouldn't have to worry about her antics this year, but I suppose it was too good to be true." I actually start laughing, really enjoying this. "So on Monday, we will he having a vote in first period. It you would like a talent show, or if you want field day." He pauses. "Seeing as seniors will already be graduated, please remember that we cannot punish Miss Lynne, so just think about her antics and how she could prank one of you." He pauses. "That is all. Oh, and seniors, please do not forget there is going to be a senior meeting in the auditorium that no adults will be attending."


All the seniors are here and student council is here and they're on the stage. "Okay, now that we've discussed the field day, lets move on to something more entertaining. The senior prank."

Everyone starts grinning wildly.

"Anyone with an idea, please come up here and we'll consider it."

I'm up and hoping onto the stage in seconds and everyone starts cheering. When they shut up, I sigh.

"I say we give them shit." I say. Everyone starts nodding like mad. "I think we should put airhorns taped behind every single door in the school." Everyone nods. "Raise your hand if you want that."

Everyone raises their hands.

"Alright. I say we tie fighing lines from locker to locker and put water balloons that are so close to popping on the floor."

Everyone nods, agreeing.

I think hard for a minute. "I think we should put air horns under Principal Garret's chair."

Everyone nods.

I think, and then smirk. "I think we should put aluminum foil over every piece of furniture in the cafeteria." I gasp then, a wonderful idea coming to me. "I think we should line the hallways in garbage bags to make it so it'll hold water and then fill it with water and soap. Who is against that?"

Everyone cheering in agreement.

"And one more thing," I begin. "We fill the bathroom sinks with cereal."

Everyone cheers. I hand the microphone to the chick in charge.

"Wait, when? How? We need supplies?"

"We have another meeting next Friday?"

Everyone nods. "Well how about all of us bring in two air horns and all of us bring in three things of aluminum foil and three packets of garbage bags and fishing line and cereal."

"And then when do we do it?"

I sigh, thinking. "We can break in the day before the first field day, which we have inside, and we do it."

Everyone nods. We quickly form a team and then it's set.

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