Chapter 7: Nicknames

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We don't move for a very long time and then I blurt the first thing I can think.

"Carter." I whisper, kissing his head for the billionth time. I rest my cheek on his. "I love you."

He lifts his head up, his eyes wide. "What did you just say?"

"I said I love you."

"Oh my god." He whispers. "You do?"

"Yes." I mutter. "I was mad at fate for sticking me with you but now I couldn't be happier. I love you."

"Can we have our first make out?" He asks.

I hesitate. "No." I shake my head. "Let's do that another time."

"Okay." He says. I stand up and hold my hand out to him. He takes it and I pull him up.


I call Carter when we get on the plane. I get to sit with Mom and I made her take the middle.

"Hey." Carter says.

I haven't seen him since that day and I wish I could've said goodbye but he went to San Diego.

His parents and my parents are very weary for us to be separated by miles for a week but they won't tell us why and I have a feeling that it's very bad.

Dad and Kyle are in front of us.

"Hi. Real fast, I'm on the plane but I have to shut my phone off for a few hours so don't panic when I don't answer, okay?"

"Okay. I love you." He says. The pilot comes on the intercom and tells us to turn everything off.

"I love you too." I say. "Bye."


I shut my phone off and we all wait impatiently for ten minutes.

Right now me and Carter are separated by eighty one miles.

It's so scared to reach a hundred.

Finally, we take off.

I put my earbuds in, and I sigh. Mom keeps looking at me, and Dad and Kyle are whispering and they keep turning around to look at me in worry.

As we get higher and higher, I frown. I feel weird...almost like my heart is trying to rip out of my chest.

And then I feel a movement on my arm.

I look down. Nothing's there.

And then it feels like something is literally pulling me forward, like I'm on a rope.

My heart hurts, and I recognize the pain. I rip out my earbuds in a panic. The pilot comes in and says that we can turn our phones back on.

"Mom." I say.

"You can feel him." she says. Dad and Kule turn around. I look out the window.

"I need to see Carter. Something's wrong with him. We need to land."

People are with their match, looking at me in worry. They all know exactly what is going on.

"We can't." Mom says.

"No!" I say loudly. "We need to land right now!"

"We can, Roxy." Dad says carefully.

"But something's wrong with Carter."

"Nothing is wrong with him." The lady across from us says gently. "It's just the separation. It's normal."

"No! I can feel it!" I point at my chest, where my heart is.

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