Chapter 1: "It seems we are going to fall in love Cinnamon."

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Mom looks like she's going to have a heart attack when I walk down the stairs at approximately six twenty one on the morning of February 14th.

"Oh goodness!" She gasps, her hand covering her heart dramatically. "Go change!"

I look down at my black jeans and gray sweater that reads: reasons I don't look good today: 1. I don't care. 2. I have no one to impress. 3. I'm really lazy.

"Why?" I frown.

"Because today is the day! You can't wear that!"

I sigh. She's right. "I guess I do look rude, huh?"

"Yes." Daddy says. My sixteen year old brother Kyle smiles and shakes his head.

I sigh and go upstairs. I get a greenish bluish sweater with reddish flowers on it. It has gray elastic around the bottom of the sweater and at the sleeves. I put on shredded light denim short shorts, gray vans, a ring on my left hand-middle fingers that s a gold band and a stone that matched the weird shade of green on my shirt. I curl my hair and put on sunglasses, a necklace with a white pearl and a heart on it, feather earrings, and then I switch purses by putting all my school stuff in a purse that matches my phone case, my shirt and my ring. I go back downstairs.

Mom purses her lips, dissatisfied.

"Roxy Kay Lynne, this is the day that you meet the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with. You could at least wear a dress. All the girls today are wearing dresses.

I put my hands on my hips. "If I us my way I'd be wearing red tank tops and leather jackets."

Mom looks at Dad for help.

"We can't, Anna." Dad, who's name is Andrew, says. "She's going to be late."

"Fine. Good luck." Mom hugs me, and Dad, and even Kyle. I grab my keys off of the hook, swinging them around my finger as I walk out the door.

"Wait!" Mom yells. I turn around. She comes running out with the red tiny little puzzle piece. It means nothing to me. I don't give two shits about this damn day, but it is a big deal. I know it is, but I still don't care. I take the piece from her, shove it in my pocket, and go walking down the road.

Today is the biggest day of my life. See, the world fell into another Great Depression and then some doctor invented this shot. All humans were required to get it. Any child they ever have will be born with a kind of groove in their heart. It fits perfectly with someone else's heart, like a piece of a puzzle. When you are in your senior year of high school, you are required by law to go to the doctor to get a little red piece of medal cut into the perfect shape of your heart. The world has found some way- which I still don't understand- to have you be with that person in school in your senior year. On the fourteenth of February (cliche, I know,) you go to school with the little piece. The only way you can get in the damn building is if you have the little piece with you. If you don't, you will be sent home to get it. Every person in the senior class must attend school this day by law. You go to the courtyard or gym, depending on the weather, and you find your match my connecting the piece. Someone was born with their heart fitting into yours perfectly.

The good thing about the shot is it gives everyone the love of their life. Gay marriage is legal in the whole world. Also with the shot, I never have to get it. Only the generation that existed when the shit was created has to get it.

So you can probably understand why my parents are trying to get me to wear a dress. See, I'm the top of the class. I'm a nerd. I act like a nerd. I only talk to Lucy, but I would much rather be myself, which is not a nerd.

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