Chapter 5: We're going to die.

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Lucy told him I was on my period a two weeks later and he showed up with chocolate, my favorite chocolate. He got me snickers...that hot asshole.

I hold up the fight. I refuse to let him hug me. He doesn't get to hold my hand. I won't sit next to him at lunch. I won't eat that fucking chocolate.

It's sitting on my desk and I'm glaring at it. My mouth is watering.

I won't eat it. I refuse to let him niceness and cuteness and hotness win.

I was snapping at him to take the chocolate back and he refused, and we got into an argument over it and then he shoved it in my backpack.

That adorable persistent bastard.

I won't eat it.

Do not fucking eat it, Roxanne Kay Lynne.

I'm going to eat it. He isn't here anyways.

I get up and grab the bag and rip it open.

I eat every single one, and they taste better than they do on any other period.

I put the bag in the shredder, and all the wrappers, and then I go back to my room and lay down, staring at the ceiling. My birthday is tomorrow. I'm not excited because it's Friday tomorrow and he's going to make my life a living hell.

Well it's midnight...I suppose I should go to bed...


He's standing at my locker. I stand in front of him, arms crossed.

I was purposely late. It's time for lunch. My parents tried to make me go to school, but I told them that I'm an adult and I can do what I want.

That pissed them off.

Eventually, my curiosity got the best of me and I went.

How the fuck he knew I would be here for lunch is beyond me.

"You're in my way." I say.

"I'm not moving." He says stubbornly. "I know I'm getting through to you." He says. "I'm not moving until you let me hug you. A real hug."

There is so much love around us. I always loved this time of year because this is when everyone has fallen in love.

In fact, the two of us are the only seniors that aren't in a relationship right now.

I see Kyle scurrying off out of the corner of my eye.

I know exactly what happened. My Mom called him and told him to tell Carter I'm coming.

I suck air in through my teeth in annoyance.

"I'm not touching you. Get out of my way."

He shakes his head stubbornly. For some reason, the whole school and all the staff love our relationship. I'm stubborn and refuse to give in, and he's so head over heels for me.

"Shouldn't you be the nice guy and let me take my time? If you really loved me, you wouldn't push."

"See, I'm not pushing." He says. "Pushing would be me annoying the hell out of you-"

"Which you are."

He smiles. "-and trying to get you to fuck me. Which I am not. You can take your sweet time for that." He continues, ignoring me. Everyone is watching us, smiling.

"Get out of my way, Carter."

"Not gonna happen, Cinnamon."

I clench my jaw. "You have five seconds."

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