Chapter 9: "Does she have asthma?"

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Stacy fucking tripped me in the hallway and called me a whore. I almost killed her, but Kyle stopped me. I'm in the shower. I have school. I shave and then get out. I'm feeling particularly bad.

I dress in a red thong, a beige pushup, and then a white tank top that is loose and shows off my stomach. It has gold chains as the spaghetti straps. I put on black leather skinny jeans, a black leather jacket with spikes on it, black heels, a gold bracelet and a black spiked bracelet. I put on gold skull earrings, a skull nose stud, and then I put my hair in a ponytail. I put on a bit of dark makeup that makes my eyes pop, and I put on sunglasses. I add a ring with spikes on it.

I hope Stacy fucks with my today. This ring will definitely break skin.

I go downstairs with my bag over my shoulder. Mom is suspicious to see me in my normal clothes. I walk into the garage and get on my bike, not following the speed limit to school. Kyle runs, and he gets there right when I do. I walk inside, and everyone raises their eyebrows, probably wondering who pissed me off.

I strut down the hall without a glance in anyone's direction. Carter comes walking over to me, kissing my cheek. I raise my sunglasses to my head.

"Who pissed in your cereal this morning?"

"Nobody." I say. "I am just feeling particularly bad today."

He nods, and I exchange books.

"Aw, if it isn't little whore and her ugly boyfriend." Stacy says.

"If it isn't Mr. Cunt and her fugly boyfriend." I reply.

Her nostrils flare when I call her Mr.

"Fuck you." She swings at me and I grabs her arm and twist, pinning her against the locker hard. If I twist anymore, her wrist will snap.

"Don't cross me, Princess." I snarl. She gulps. "The only person I'll ever fuck is standing right next to me with a proud smirk. Leave me the hell alone or I'll teach you what it feels like to have every fucking bone broken." I hold here there for a few seconds before I forcefully let her go, pushing her back away from me.

She falls down. People are watching in surprise. Carter just looks proud.

I shut my locker, kiss my shocked boyfriend and go strutting down the hall to my class.


I'm in forth period and I feel like shit. My brain is screaming at me to go check on Carter.

Something isn't right. He's not safe.

"Are you okay?" Rachel asks. She looks pale. "Because I'm not. Ryder is in Chemisty and I feel like something is wrong. My heart hurts."

The pain in mine is so strong, it's like I'm in Maine again.

I start to smell smoke, and then the fire alarm starts to blare.

I can't leave.

Me and Rachel start flipping shit, arguing with the teacher.

"No! I'm not leaving till I know Carter is okay! He's in chemistry!" I yell at her.

"Me too! Ryder is lab partners with Carter! Something isn't right!"

We're standing in the hallway and nobody is leaving the Chemistry classroom and that's where the classroom is.

Me and Rachel start screaming, and the next thing I know, Kyle shows up and grabs me, throwing me over his shoulder. I may be older than him by two years, but he's really buff and strong and he has abs. I scream and fight in his arms, and when we get by the chemistry classroom, I manage to get out of his arms. We start arguing, and then I see the flames licking the door. People are screaming, and then one of the football players shoots past, grabbing my waist on the way out. I'm screaming and swearing and hear sirens, and the principal and calling parents. Mom and Dad and Carter's parents show up.

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