Chapter 18: I. Hate. Pep-Rallys.

Start from the beginning

*Courntey POV*

Here I was nonchalantly sitting at my desk doing my homework so I can stay in volleyball and not have Coach Richards shove her study habits and group study session ideas down my throat when, "Hear Kitty Kitty."

My first reaction was: What the fuck?

And I do not say that word often or I would have dared my Mother to slap me in the face.


What the fuck?

Then I remembered where I heard that before.

And all I could think was: Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Shit. Shit. Hide. Hide. HIDE!

And so what did I do? I hopped inside the closet like the bonehead I am.

Seriously? How cliche...Thank God Mom isn't home, was really all I could think at the moment.

That would end VERY badly.

She would take her gun and shoot them.

Only to have very pissed vampires with off the chart testosterone levels.

In other words, bad. Very bad.

I called Aubrey and she told me not to move.

So what am I doing?

Sitting in my closet afraid to sneeze thinking a vampire will jump me.

That is when the creaky door to my room opened.

Of course it did.

They couldn't just skip this one room, and not to mention the fact that I just realized the perfume on my clothes is way to strong to be healthy.

It's a wonder I don't get high off this stuff.

Of all the perfume I had to pick the strongest one in the store to douse my clothing in.

"Where is she," the one guy -oh what was his name?- asked.

"Be patient, John," the other one- Oh what was his na- HENRY IT IS HENRY- Henry told John.

"Well if you two would shut up once in a while, maybe we would know where she is," a younger lady, with a voice I didn't recognize, said.


I have to sneeze.


Oh God.... I have to-


I plugged my nose and covered my sneeze making me jump up and pee my pants a little in the process.

It sounded like a gunshot firing at a bull running through a China shop.

I shook my head and waited for someone to open the door, taking it with my thumb up my ass like it seemed I always did.

But nothing happened.......

No noises of alert came from outside the closet door.

No talking, no movement.

No people.

They were gone.

"Phew," I whispered then letting out a breath I didn't know I was even holding in.

"GOTCHYA!" John screamed, while swinging my door open so fast it nearly fell off its hinges.

Are You Fucking Kidding Me?

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