Chapter 3

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Her waist thickens over the next trio of weeks. Greer notices first. Mary has not said a word.

She and Kenna walk through the closest village during Mary's mass excursions. They lasted for hours each time, so Greer doesn't fear telling the Baroness of her thoughts of the Queen of Scotland's fruitful womb. They stop at a dressmaker -disguised in veils-, one known in the small village who were oblivious of the Queen of Scotland taking residence in the thought of empty chateaux east of the Forrest that caged it. 

The blonde tells her of her mistress -not giving a name- who was recently widowed. Kenna tells her that their mistress recently found herself with child, asking for a gown to fit the young woman's growing frame. They give her a bag of gold coins, and they discuss options of clothing the young woman in the months to come. They tell her of an important ball the girl was expected to attend, asking for a dress with the proper grandeur sooner rather than later. The seamstress agrees, and they go back to the chateaux with red chiffon and black silk in a brown paper parcel.

They knock at Mary's door, the Lady opening it, not expecting her sickened Queen to do so. They find her, pale and tiny in her bed. Her cheeks were wet -as usual- and her cheeks pale and greyish -as usual. Not saying a word -as usual- her head turned towards them, offering no other acknowledgement. But it's enough, they all know.

Laying down in black satin, the skirt does nothing to hide her growing figure. It fit awkwardly, meant for the Queen of Scotland and not Mary Stuart, this little young woman who looked nothing like her royal counterpart. She'd shrunk in her grief, her stomach the only thing to grow.

Kenna's lips parted as she took in her Queen's appearance. Not the sickened, grief swallowed appearance, that had been long since accepted as the new normal. But the sight of her stomach, so obviously swollen with child. She seemed to be almost five months, the state of her unmistakable, a substantial -still small, however, but big enough to be noticed and not mistaken for anything else- bump growing on her stomach.

She wondered how she'd never seen it before, in their walks or their meals. But Mary always donned thick capes and ill fitting skirts, she had simply thought it was nothing more than that. But now, as she lay in a somewhat figure hugging gown, it could be nothing but what it was.

"We've brought something for you." Greer was the first to speak after several moments.

Mary sat up, slowly. Kenna's heart ached, she looked so tiny, so innocent and fragile and afraid. So unlike herself a mere six months ago.

Thin arms reached out to grab the package, Greer lay it in her hands. She helped her Queen untie the white string, unravelling the brown packaging, releasing the gown.

Mary swallowed thickly, observing the front of the skirt, slowly holding it up so it stood tall. A red chiffon skirt, black satin bodice, the skirt looking somewhat odd without being worn, but unmistakable in it's use. 

Greer took it from her thin, trembling arms. Mary's eyes followed the dress, reaching out to touch the flimsy skirt.

Then slowly, Mary did something she hadn't done in a while.

Mary smiled. 

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