Chapter 12

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As he is kissing Kurt, Blaine soon forgets any shyness. His tongue is in Kurt's mouth, Kurt's is in his, and it feels so good. It feels even better to have Kurt's erection press against him, and he moans into Kurt's mouth, ignoring the uneasy feeling that they are moving too fast. Not that he doesn't want them to go there...wherever 'there' is. He just wants to savor it, now that he's actually kissing Kurt, and feeling Kurt's weight on him, and feeling Kurt's—well. Now that he's sober, he wants to remember every second of it, but he's well on the way to losing his mind. He'd like to stay with kissing for a little bit, maybe. Just to be safe. Just to make sure.

Kurt's phone rings. Blaine groans with mixed disappointment and relief when Kurt kneels up and scrambles to get his phone out of his pocket. He misses Kurt's mouth on his as soon as it's gone, and pleads, "Can't you just let it go to voicemail?"

Kurt looks at his phone and shakes his head. "It's Rachel. I promised—Never mind. I'll tell you later."

He accepts the call and listens to Rachel while still straddling Blaine. Blaine sneaks a hand between them to adjust himself in his pants, and Kurt gives him a knowing smirk.

"A moment.- I have to ask Blaine," Kurt says rather unenthusiastically into the phone, then covers it with his hand and says, "She's bored and wants to come over. It sounds like she won't accept no for an answer."

Blaine groans. "You should have let it go to voicemail." He leans back against the armrest of the couch, closes his eyes and refuses to believe he'll have to move soon.

"I couldn't," Kurt says. "After...the way she disappeared, I made her promise to always answer her phone when it's me calling. She made me promise the same."

"So tell her yes, since apparently we have no choice. Tell her to bring food. Pizza."

Blaine's grumbling, but he's not really upset. And he doesn't really feel like cooking anymore. Dinner will keep until tomorrow. He'd like to keep kissing Kurt until she arrives. Just maybe sitting up.

He should have known she isn't just bored. She wants to be distracted and coddled, because today is one of the days she doesn't feel good about herself. He knows teaching at the foundation has helped her a lot, he's given her a home and a place to go to when it looked like she wasn't welcome anywhere. He's eternally grateful he got the chance to do that, and she is a great teacher, a real asset to the foundation.

But from time to time she remembers that she didn't set out to be a teacher, that what she really wants to do is perform, and that she played the role of her dreams and threw it away, making herself look unreliable and unprofessional in the process.

Blaine sighs. It was the most stupid decision, of course. But doesn't she deserve a second chance? He wants to help her. If they could get her to performing somehow...Their focus has to be their students, of course, but maybe Rachel could be the opening act to the play...he knows that if a producer or someone saw her perform, they'd have no choice but to fall under her spell. He'll have to think about it. Talk it through, with Kurt and maybe Mercedes when she is in one of her more generous moods.

At the moment, though...Rachel wants to be distracted, and what she wants to be distracted with is gossip.

Unfortunately, it hasn't gone unnoticed that Blaine's mom was at his office today.

"Why was she there, Blaine?" Rachel asks with detached curiosity. "It's never a good sign when the parents show up. Usually, they want to complain about something."

"I'm not a student, Rachel," Blaine says, but he can see it's not working. Kurt, as usual in situations like these, is no help at all; he just watches them with amusement.

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