Chapter 10

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Blaine opens one eye. It's a bad idea, so he closes it again.

And then he opens both eyes wide as panic and a sense of déjà-vu hit him.

Not again. No. No no no no no.

But there's no denying that he's naked, and when he tries to move, he notices a leg is draped over his, and when he tries to move the – Kurt's – leg, it's kind of sticking to him.


He pushes at the leg until it moves, though it pulls the hair on his legs and hurts. It seems to hurt Kurt too, for he grunts and then moves, throwing an arm over Blaine's chest.

So he's still asleep.

Blaine knows he has to think about what they've done—again -, and he will, probably too much, but for now, going back to sleep sounds like a wonderful idea. His head hurts, he's nauseous, and he just doesn't feel up to analyzing the feelings he has about once again not remembering sex with Kurt. He's tired, and he wants to sleep. So he does.

When he wakes again, he least ready to rise and walk to where the smell of coffee comes from. He is alone in bed (someone had to make the coffee, after all), and he slowly, gingerly sits up. His head feels close to exploding, every movement hurts, and with gratitude he sees the glass of water and the painkillers on the nightstand.

After swallowing the pills, he goes to take a shower. He feels better after; for one thing, not being sticky anymore helps considerably. He dresses in his oldest, most comfortable clothes. For once, he pays no heed to his appearance as he usually tries to do; Kurt always looks impeccable, so he himself dresses with care so as not to feel sloppy. But he has no energy for that today.

As it turns out, Kurt doesn't, either. Like Blaine he has foregone style for comfort, and he looks slightly green around the mouth and has rings under his eyes. He's sitting on the couch, legs drawn up, cup of coffee in hand, and gestures wearily in the direction of the coffee machine when Blaine enters.

When Blaine joins him on the couch, Kurt opens his eyes. "We need to stop doing this," he says.

"Getting drunk or having sex?" Blaine asks. He sighs contentedly when he tastes the first sip of coffee. He kind of waits for nausea to hit him, but it doesn't, so he tentatively takes another sip.

Kurt groans and leans back, nearly spilling his coffee. "Even the worst sex could never make me feel like this."

Blaine nods, wincing as his headache sets in again, and closes his eyes.

"Although," Kurt says, "we probably should stop having sex too. I mean, if you don't want to when you're sober, we shouldn't when we're drunk."

"My body seems to be of a different opinion, at least when I'm drunk," Blaine says. Or not only when he's drunk. He remembers a very embarrassing dream a few nights ago, from which he woke up hard and sweaty, and the protagonist in his dream has most definitely been Kurt.

And it's not even only his body anymore. Kurt is very attractive, even now, in his unkempt, slightly nauseous state, and Blaine's found himself daydreaming more than once how it would be to explore the attraction between them. If Kurt would still be willing. He's stopped teasing, as he had promised, but maybe that's just because he's not interested anymore. Blaine knows he's not the type to keep anyone's interest for a longer time....

"Can I ask...," Kurt says, hesitation evident in his voice, "can I ask if there's a special reason you don't want to have sex? I mean, not that you need one...but sometimes, I think you are...attracted to me, but then..."

"I am," Blaine says, quickly. "I am attracted to you. You know I'm your biggest fan." His laugh doesn't sound as easy as he's wanted it to.

It's Kurt's insecurity that makes him answer so quickly. Kurt has asked the same question before, much more bluntly, but's like he's not sure if he wants to know the answer.

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