Chapter 6

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Blaine's apartment is tiny and obviously mostly uninhabited. He is uncomfortably aware of that fact when he opens the door and lets Kurt into what will be his home for...well, until they get this mess sorted out.

Kurt looks around at the bare white walls and the sparse furniture.

"Well..." he says.

The old couch and the small table are nearly covered with boxes and bags, some of which have spilt their contents onto the floor. Blaine blinks in confusion. Then he sits down heavily on a pile of clothing sitting on his only chair. Sebastian must have packed his things and dumped them here. He has never gone that far before. Usually, Blaine packs a bag with necessities and waits till the storm is over and he is back in Sebastian's good graces, but this...this looks permanent.

Well, he can hardly complain. He's married to someone else—there's little more permanent than that.

Except Kurt is clearly getting second thoughts about the whole thing as he wanders around and tries doors that open, respectively, to a tiny bedroom, an even tinier bathroom and a closet.

"You can change anything you like," Blaine offers. "Or we could rent something different. My lease is still three months, though."

"No, I hope I won't be here that long," Kurt says. "But tomorrow, we're going shopping."

He's started to take the boxes off the couch and pile them along the wall. Blaine should help, but he's still in shock. He feels unable to move, let alone face a decision like what to put where. It's weird. It's afternoon, but he feels like going to bed. He could sleep for days. Maybe when he wakes someone will have everything sorted out for him.

Yeah, that won't happen. With a sigh, he moves to his feet before his body decides that the old, lumpy chair is comfortable enough for a nap. He needs to move.

He changes the sheets on the bed. His couch is definitely too small to sleep on, and with Kurt's pragmatic attitude, they'll probably sleep here together. New sheets is the least he can to do make Kurt as comfortable as possible. Though the old sheets are probably more dusty than dirty. He really hasn't been here much.

When he returns to the living room, Kurt has cleared up enough to have freed the furniture. It doesn't really help the looks of the room, but now at least they're able to sit down without squashing something. But Blaine doesn't want to stay here. This apartment, with Kurt in it, is about everything that is wrong with his life. It's not Kurt's fault, obviously, but still.

"Would you want to see the Foundation?" he asks hesitantly. He somehow fears to disappoint Kurt in that area as well, though he knows that the Foundation is in much better shape that his apartment.

Kurt brightens up. "Absolutely. Though..." he hesitates. "Would you mind getting something to eat first? I know we just had lunch at your mom's, but it wasn't....I couldn't...I didn't have much of an appetite."

Blaine appreciates Kurt's efforts to not say something insulting about his mom, even if it seems difficult. And the atmosphere at her house has certainly been less than appetizing. He hears in own stomach growl in response, and they laugh as they grab their things and walk out.

"Can I ask you a question?" Kurt says on the way. They're holding hands for the benefit of the Anderson mob's spy that's sure to be around somewhere. Blaine still finds it strange, but is slowly getting accustomed to it. He nods.

"I haven't met your dad, and you never talk about him. What's...I mean, I'd have thought that everyone in your family is filthy rich and at least pretends to conjugal bliss."

"Oh," Blaine says. He scratches his head with his free hand. He feels slightly stupid for not having said anything before. "My dad walked out shortly after my birth. He—apparently he said that no money in the world was worth staying with her. They're divorced. That's why she...she's so weird about love."

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