How You Two Met

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Dipper Pines~
It was a really strange day for you. You lived at Gravity Falls for as long as you can remember. Nothing seemed that weird. That was, until today. You were minding your own business, walking around the woods when out of nowhere, you see a dinosaur flying above you whilst it was carrying a pig. No sooner, a red pickup truck drove by, running you over if you haven't dove out of the way. Dusting yourself off, one of the windows rolled down to reveal a guy around your age with brown hair and a white and blue cap. "Oh gosh! I am so sorry!! Are you okay?!" He asks. "I'm fine." You respond. "Good. Sorry again. Blame my twin sister. She's making our great uncle drive fast to catch up to that dinosaur." The guy says. "Oh. So you saw that as well, huh?" You ask and he nods. "You know. I'm bored out of the mind and is craving for adventure." You begin, walking over to the car. "Count me in. I'll be okay. Promise." You say. The brunette boy thinks about this for a while until nodding and opening the car door. You smile back and climb aboard and close the door. You extended your hand to the boy. "(Y/N) (L/N)." You say. He smiles and shakes your hand. "Mason Pines, But the call me Dipper because my birthmark looks like the Big Dipper." "Well, It's nice to meet you." You say as the car speeds off.

Mable Pines~
Your mother forced you to go on to this party in the Mystery Shack. Why they were having a party, you didn't know, but here you are. But in the bright side, your friends Candy and Grenda were here as well, so you weren't completely alone. The three of you were chatting around when another girl came by. She was a brunette girl with braces and wore 80s like clothes. "Hi!! I'm Mable Pines. My great uncle Stan owns the place!" The girl says. "I'm Candy. That's Grenda. And that's (Y/N) (L/N)." Candy says, introducing the three of you. "Hi!" Grenda says. "Hello." You say with a smile. "Nice to meet you guys! Anyways, I'm off to win Queen of the Party against Pacífica Northwest." She says. You gasp. Pacífica was basically Regina George in real life. But, it looks like this Mable won't budge. "Good luck, But be careful. Pacífica is really mean and can hold a grudge. However, kick her butt for me and friends alright?" You ask her. She smiles. "I promise." She says and while in the end Mable did lose, you couldn't help but to feel an appreciation for Mable Pines. She was different. And you like that.

Star Butterfly~
You are the twin sister of Marco Diaz. While your brother was the 'safety kid', you were the opposite. You were out going and craved for adventure. Which probably explained why you and the new girl got along. You and your brother Marco were called over to the principal's office to show the new girl around. She was a blonde and pale skin. She looked to be the energetic type and you liked that. "Who... are you?" Marco asks as you three walk around. "I'm Star Butterfly. And I am a magical princess from another dimension." The girl says, using a wand to create a rainbow. One that caught on fire. You smile at her while Marco looks freaked out. "Well. I'm (Y/N) Diaz. And this is my twin brother, Marco." You say. You then look at your twin. "You head to class, bro. I'll handle this." You tell him. He sighs and smiles at you. "Thanks sis. I owe you." He says and walks away. You offer your arm. "Ready for the next chapter of our lives, Star?" You ask her. Star smiles at you and hooks her arm around yours. "Ready, (Y/N)."

Marco Díaz~
You were one of the average students of Echo Creek high school. You had a couple of friends, but you were a bit of a loner. It was lunch time when the weirdest thing happened. You were minding your own business when you saw a blonde girl and a brunette boy run out of the cafeteria. Curious about them, you follow them outside to see the two kids fight an army of monsters. You see the brunette boy fighting and you were impressed by his skills. Suddenly, a giant lobster comes up and grabs him in a chokehold. You realize you couldn't just stand there. Grabbing a baseball bat, you rush forward. "Let him go, you piece of shit!" You yell and swing the bat as hard as you can. The lobster lets the boy go and runs off. "You okay?" You ask, extending your hand to him. The boy nods and takes your hand, and you pull him up. So, you worked with the two kids to stop the army, who eventually gave up and ran off. "Thanks for the help! I'm Star Butterfly and this is Marco Diaz." The girl says. "(Y/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you." You say. "Thanks for the save back there." Marco says. "No problem. Now if you excuse me, I better hammer some nails on this thing." You say, leaving with now making 2 new friends.

Penn Zero~
You were Sashi Kobayashi's best friend from elementary school. You two had known each other for years, even though you were total opposites. Sashi was a fighter and threatened people, while you were the one to keep her in check and was the more nicer one between the two of you. Anyways, it was the last class of the day, and you didn't know anyone. You were trying to pay attention to you work, but there was this guy trying to hit on you. You kept turning him down but he didn't stop. At this point, you couldn't take it anymore. You were about to reject him for the hundredth time, when someone else did it for you. "Hey!" A voice says. You turn and see a boy with red curly hair and blue eyes. And he looked to be as angry as you were. "Back. Off." He hisses. "Or else what?" The annoying guy asks. The redhead leans over, glaring at the other guy. "Look bud, when a girl says no, she means no. So, hit on her again one more time and I will shove my foot up your ass so hard, you're not gonna be able to walk." The redhead threatens. The annoying guy looks scared and nods. "Good. Now apologize." The redhead says. The other guy mutters an apology and scoots away from you both. You turn to look at the redhead boy. "Thank you." You say. "No problem. No girl should ever be treated like that." He says and extends his hand. "Penn Zero." He says. You shake his hand. "(Y/N) (L/N)." You say. This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Sashi Kobayashi~
You were Penn Zero's cousin from New York. You and Penn were like the same person, minus you were less cocky than he was and was more timid and shy. You parents unfortunately died recently, so you moved in with Penn and your aunt and uncle. That also meant you had to change schools. You were with it. People made fun of you for being attracted to girls and being a lesbian. So, this was a nice change of scenery. You and Penn got along greatly, with you two treating each other like brother and sister. Anyways, it was your first day in MCHS. You were getting there. The day wasn't that bad. Suddenly, someone bumped into you. A hand grabbed the collar of your shirt and dragged you forward. It was some random jock. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" He said and slammed you against the locker. Suddenly, a flash came over and then you saw the jock injured on the floor. In front of you was a girl with brown hair and yellow highlights. "Leave her alone!" She yelled. The jock nodded and ran off, crying for his mommy. "Thanks. (Y/N) (L/N)." You say. "Ok yeah. Penn's cousin right? I'm Sashi Kobayashi." She says, shaking your hand. "Let's go before something else happens." You say and the two of you walked off, with you wanting to berate your cousin
for not telling you that his lady friend was really cute.

Boone Wiseman~
You were Phillis' niece. You knew about your aunt's crazy job of balance ever since you were a toddler. And of course, you wanted part of it. So, when you were 13, your aunt allowed you to help out around the theater. You didn't want to do the missions. You rather wanted to stay in the normal world and help out from there. It was bound time that you met the part time heroes. You introduced yourselves to them. Penn Zero was the hero and Sashi Kobayashi was the sidekick. They seemed like nice people. "And you are?" You ask the last guy. He was a brunette portly boy with a backwards cap. "Boone. Boone Wiseman. Nice to meet you." He said. You shake his hand. "(Y/N) (L/N)." You says. You sense his nervousness. "Relax Boone. Don't be nervous. You got this." You tell him. "O-Okay." He says. You give him a reassuring smile. He smiles back and walks over to the warp pad. Boone totally has this!

Randy Cunningham~
You were the new girl at Norrisville High. You were aware of what has been happening to all the negativity that could cause you to turn into monsters. You were also aware of the town's hero, the Norrisville Ninja. You walk around the school, trying to find your way around, when you bump into someone. It was a guy around your age with purple hair. "Sorry about that." You say. "No problem. I'm gonna guess you're new here." He says. "Yes. (Y/N) (L/N)." You say. "Randy Cunningham. Nice to meet you." He says, shaking your hand. Suddenly there was a yell. You both turn around to see a stanked student. "This happens a lot, huh?" You ask. "Yep. Anyways got to go!" Randy says and runs off. You begin to run as well. Then, the Ninja came up and proceeded to fight the stanked student. As the students cheer on, you look at the Ninja. For you feel that the Randy boy was somehow part of this.

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