When You Two Watch a Horror Movie

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Having seen the weirdness of Gravity Falls, you would think that Dipper would be fine watching a horror movie. Well, perhaps Rosemary's Baby wasn't such a good idea. Yes, you two have faced Bill Cypher, but the devil has nothing on Bill. You, having seen this movie before, you were okay. So, throughout the whole time, you had to comfort Dipper and tell him that it's just a movie from the 60s and that there is no way in this world you are going to give birth to the devil's son.

"How can you be sure you won't be raped by the devil?!"

"By god Dipper, it's just a movie! None of this is real!"

Like with Dipper, after seeing the things Gravity Falls has to offer, a horror movie wouldn't affect you. But it sure did to Mable. You two decided to watch Carrie. At the end of the film, you had to comfort Mable. One would think that the while Bill Cypher thing would be the scariest thing you have seen, but you have seen worse. You had to tell Mable that it was just a movie and that prom is never like this.

"Just ask my sister. She's been to prom before."

"Isn't you're sister in jail, (Y/N)?"

Star wanted to watch My Bloody Valentine. You and Marco tried to tell her that wouldn't be such a good idea, but Star insisted. So, you relented and watched the movie with her, and you thanked God that you didn't get that scared easily. By the end of the film, Star looked to utterly petrified, and you needed to hug her and comfort her.

"See? Told you this was a horrible idea."

"How was I supposed to know it was that gory?!"

Marco was surprised that you enjoyed horror movies, but accepted it anyways. You invited Marco and Star for a movie night at your house and they agreed. You three decided to watch Halloween. And while Star fell asleep during the movie, you and Marco kept watching the movie. In the end, Marco ended up loving it as much as you did.

"How is Laurie so badass?"

"She's Jamie Lee Curtis, Marco. She's always a badass."

You were a horror movie fanatic. And Penn had seen things way worse throughout the multiverse. So horror movies didn't affect you two that much. Heck, you would mostly make fun of the movies whenever you watch them. Plus, you like cuddling with Penn while watching movies. For example, this is what happened when you two watched Friday The 13th:

"Dude! Jason's right below you! Stop having sex and run for it!!"

"Girl, don just stand there and let him kill you! Grab a weapon to axe him off!! And... she's dead, damnit."

Oh god, you were terrified.

Why did you agree to this?! You and Sashi were having a girls night at her place and you decided to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street. This proved to be a horrible idea, since you were hugging your pillow tightly and you were scared out of your wits. Of course, Sashi noticed.

"If your scared out of your mind, then why did you agree with this?"

"I thought wrong, Sash! I thought wrong!!" You scream, looking away while your keep hugging your pillow.

You two decided to watch Candyman with Boone thinking that it wasn't going to be that scary with a title like that. You, Penn and Sashi tried to convince otherwise, but to no avail. So, you four watched the movie. And it ended with you and Boone hugging each other for dear life in fear, your minds not letting the gore out of your brains.

"What the fuck was that?!"

"Told you it was a bad idea."

"Not now Penn!!"

In paper, watching the first Final Destination movie with your boyfriend sounded okay. In actuality, however, it was something that would haunt you for a while. You ended up hugging a throw pillow and using it as a shield from the gore. That, and Randy had to hug you to keep to calm.

"You know, there are 4 more movies in the franchise and-"

"Randy Cunningham. Make me watch those and we're through!!"

A/N: Happy Halloween!!!

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