The snow falls...

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The sky is dark... When a flash of light, brightens the sky slightly... Its the shape of a bat, in a circle it's the bat signal, at the GCPD commission Jim Gordon stands onto the precent waiting to talk to the Batman, its November about 3 months since Harvey Dent's escape from Arkham, Batman has been missing hardley showing up when the signal is on, or answering calls.. some believe him Dead, Jim knows he isn't Gordon hopes his brother in arms will return, come on... Please Jim says standing on the roof, when suddenly a sleek plane flies over the building commissioner... Asks a figure stepping out of the darkness as he had dropped from the plane... Batman? asks Jim.. No says the now visible Robin stepping out of the shadows in his bright Red and green uniform, oh it's you says Jim, don't sound to optimistic says Robin, where's the bat? And what's with the costume I thought you were Santee clause for a second Gordon says with a laugh, he's busy and and it's a battle suit says Robin, whatever sparrow look I need to talk with him, I mean the cities scared no one's seen him in months crime is rising... And I'm afraid Gordon says... He's... He's busy he has a lot on his plate... I don't know if he's coming back, nothings been the same since Vickie... Robin says sadly... I know but it was his fault Jim replies... Yeah was there anything else you needed to tell him Robin says... Yes Oswald Cobblepot has been released Jim says... Wait what? Robin asks......

At the batcave Robin returns in the batwing... He heads to the computer... And pulls up Cobblepot... Oh man this... This is bad Dick says

A few floors up Bruce is sitting in what would be his living room, if he ever lived in it he is broken... He tries to keep being Batman but he can't find it in him anymore... He holds a letter in his hand... One that actually breaks him more if that's actually possible, he feels guilt and anger, Dick comes into the room Bruce he says urgently, what did Gordon need he asks coldly... It's bad Bruce what's that Dick asks pointing to his letter, it's from... Alfred it's his resignation, it reads dear Bruce... I am so incredibly sorry my actions killed Ms Vale I drove her... I could have said no... She is dead because of me and I can't bare to be around any longer for I have destroyed your chance at happiness.. I am truly sorry sir, it has been an honor....
---Alfred J. Pennyworth

Bruce reads, we lost al? Dick says, yes he was like a parent to me... And he's never coming back Bruce says coldly... Bruce I ruined you're life.... I'm sorry... Dick says it's not you're fault there's loads of blame it's just as much my fault.. what did Gordon need? Bruce says Oswald Cobblepot, has been released! Dick says what that's not possible Bruce says i know I said the same thing but Harvey Dent was the one  who had prosecuted him in one of his earlier crimes Dick says, Bruce that's not how the justice system works it would have be the current crime Bruce says, I know but this is Gotham Dick says..

The iceberg lounge... It's been shut down since Cobblepot's prisonment, it is good to be back says Cobblepot, he is dressed in his typical attire 3 button suit he lights up a cigar and begins to smoke, what's the plan boss asks one of Cobblepot's crew, we kill Batman Cobblepot says, word on the street is he's already dead says the man, unfortunately he is very much in hiding, we must draw him out, give him the fight of his life, Cobblepot says, he's a freak says the man, yes so I've got a freak coming, he's crazy and I'm gonna use the freak to kill the other freak Cobblepot says with a laugh, I don't get it sometimes says the man I know it's why I'm the boss Cobblepot says...

The snow is starting to fall at Wayne enterprises, Lucius Fox Bruce's right hand man, he knows Bruce is Batman and helps him build tech, he is showing off plans at a meeting, Bruce is at the meeting, only because he has too though, Wayne enterprises is in trouble, with Bruce having missed multiple meetings the board isn't quit happy with him, there's a knock on the door, Oswald Cobblepot arrives Bruce turns around in shock at the man he had almost beaten to death just months prior, Hello Brucey mind if I crash you're meeting? says Cobblepot, Bruce gets up it's Wayne enterprises personal only he says very sternly, wanna put me on the pay roll then I could be you're new janitor Cobblepot says, get on with it Cobblepot says Fox, look I have a proposition for you, Cobblepot says not interested Bruce replies, but you haven't even heard me out Brucey when was the last time we had a good talk says Cobblepot sarcastically, I remember and I remember making my point very clear to you Bruce says, no let's not get to hasty says, Bob Riker a member of the board maybe we should hear him out, I'm glad you feel that way I want to finance you, to make weapons for the police, my acquittal has me turning over a new leaf I want the weapons to help support the GCPD to make everyone feel safe in Gotham cobblepot says that's never going to happen Bruce says coldly, never say never Bruce, Cobblepot replies Get out, final warning Bruce says, whoa calm down a bit buddy I just want people to feel safer be safer, I'm tired of reading about billionaires or reporters getting murdered Cobblepot says while enjoying it, Bruce lashs at Cobblepot punching him, the board goes crazy security screams Bob, the fight is quickly separated I'm sorry Brucey I just wanted to make the world a better place, LIAR Bruce screams... Bruce I know losing Vickie has been hard on you, but we need the company to work maybe if you take a leave for awhile we can get this figured out, says Bob, he's a lair he tried to kill everyone in Gotham Bruce says, allegedly Cobblepot chimes in, Bruce please we only want what's best for you Bob says... Bruce takes a leave from the company..

Bruce walks outside seeing the snow fall, in the sky the bat signal is flashing he stairs at it grimly.....

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