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-last chapter-
We made it to Robins door and star knocked. Raven placed us in the room under a invisibility chant she's been working on.
Robin opened the door and looked shocked and nervous seeing star. He let her in and they stood awkwardly by his bed.
"Hi" the both said at the same time
"I need to tell you the something" Star said
"Okay I do too" Robin said nervously tapping his finger to his thigh "same time?" He asked
"I like you/I have the romantics towards you"
They both stared into each other eyes for way to long in my opinion it was getting boring.
-Stars point of view-
He just stared at me as I stared back I couldn't believe we both admitted it. Bless y/n and Beastboy to the gods. Robin stepped towards me not breaking eye contact. Our lips trembled against each other, he slipped his tongue into and around mine. I ran my hands through his silky black hair as he lifted me to the bed. His hands ran down down my back to my breasts. I could feel him aroused between my legs. I moaned as he moved his warm wet kisses down my breasts to my side.
-your point of view-
We all just stood there mouth hung open completely shocked. Cyborg had to cover his mouth cause he was laughing to hard. Beastboy slowly moved his hand up to my eyes to cover.
"I feel now would be the time we should leave" Raven said
"Yep" I said turning Beastboy away from Robin pounding Star
We were teleported into the living room and all just kinda stood in silence.
"I'm gonna go call bee" cyborg said still laughing
"Yeah and I just don't wanna be here" Raven said walking away
"You know that was kinda hot" Beastboy said in his cool dude voice
"Yeah"I said judging him intensely
"You know what we should do" he said pulling our bodies together
"Guess, it involves pillows, the floor, and darkness" he said kissing my neck
"Oh I know A FORT!" I said jumping up and down
"Yep a fort that's so much more fun then what I meant"he muttered
I was definitely not going to get off watching my friend AND MY BROTHER get it on. Jesus I can hear them.
"Let's watch a movie to drown them out"
We watched the movie till supper time and I had fallen asleep on Garfield. I woke up to Garfield trying to hold in a major laugh. He saw me wake up and let out the held in laughing. He was laughing because Starfire and Robin had just came in the kitchen.
"Hey Guys" he said laughing
"Hello friend Beastboy" Star said completely oblivious
"Stop Beastboy" Robin said
"Why all I could hear was you two! I get the right to tease you." Beastboy scoffed
He looked down at me and pet my hair.
"You dick, we don't talk about about you going down on y/n like she's a doll" Robin yelled back
"Don't you dare talk about her" Beastboy growled
"Yeah sorry I'm just her brother your just the guy that fucks her"Robin spat
"What's wrong with you Robin" cyborg said
"Nothing. What's wrong with you, dating bee when your just a piece of metal. EVER THINK SHE MIGHT WANT HEAT" Robin yelled
"Yes and you y/n your only here cause your FATHER" starfire yelled at me
"What" I said shocked at star
Just then Raven popped into the room.
"What's going on" she said
"Yo man I don't know Robin and Star are just angry all of a sudden" Cyborg said obviously hurt by Robins comment
"Oh look it's evil in a cloak" Robin mocked
"Shit" Raven muttered
She made a spell book appear and started flipping the pages like crazy.
"Oh no don't wanna show the emotion, are you gonna make a spell to hide behind" Starfire laughed
I made vines to cover there mouths. And they just began flipping everyone off
"Raven tell us what happened to them" Beast Boy pleaded as Robin attack him with his staff
I put power duller flowers around star. And ran to grab Robin and hold him back from Garfield.
"Robin stop please"I begged
He threw a bomb at Beastboy it exploded and he turned into a tiger.
"Bad move birdy" Beastboy growled
He ran to Robin and raised his claw to him but star had gotten out of the flowers and blasted his paw so it moved to the left and cut through my shoulder and went across my stomach.
"Azarath metreozes zinsos" Raven yelled
Her eyes turned white as I crumbled to the floor in pain. Black power shot all around her. Robin and Star fell to the ground and grabbed their heads as Ravens power died down.
Beast boy changed back to normal and ran to me.
"Shit shit mama I'm so sorry. I I didn't mean too" he said. He looked close to tears
"W-what happened" Robin said helping star up
"You went sicko mode" I said crawling into Beastboys lap. His arms wrapped around me protecting me from everything.
"Raven what happened" Beast boy said his hair falling into his eyes as he rested his chin on my head
"Well when we went and turned invisible in Robins room" she started
"YOU WHAT" Robin said his face going red
"Yeah our bad, we left before you got intense. We just wanted to see how Star told you" Cyborg said
"Anyway when we turned invisible that was a new spell I was working on and there were effects. It started with a sensitive subject to get the riled up which was Beastboy and cyborg laughing then they said the most insecure thing about you. And finally they got physical aggressive. And Beastboy only got physical because they got him to turn into an animal and since his animal self wasn't invisible he turned aggressive as well." Raven stated
"Sorry friends" Starfire said
"Yeah but you shouldn't have been spying we would have told you about us anyway" Robin said
"Yeah our bad" Cyborg said
"Why don't we just eat supper huh" I asked coming back from changing my shirt.
"Good idea" Robin said
Beastboy came and sat beside me but seemed scared to touch me. I smiled at him and put my hand on his thigh. He smiled back and just then a I felt the sudden urge to throw up. I ran for it........

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