Chapter six

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This time I woke up in my room and I giant hole punched in the wall. I turn my head to see beast boy in a chair beside me full of pain and guilt and a bloody hand.
"Beast boy......what happened" I said a little afraid
" I'm sorry" he whispered as he looked at me tears in his eyes
"What happened"I asked gently
—Beast Boys POV—
"I'm so sorry y/n" I said trying to hold back the tears "this is all my fault".
"What is" she said her eyes full of worry and love. How could she love a monster like me....
"I...Harley Quin can I'm mad because jokers attention is all on you and she threw that bomb and I wasn't fast enough" I said letting my hair fall into my eyes as I hung my head
"I CANT PROTECT YOU" I screamed out of pure frustration "IM A BEAST AND ALL I DO IS BREAK"
"Your not a beast, your my goofy beast boy"she said a single tear falling down her perfect face
"I NOT GOOD ENOUGH" I screamed as my fist slammed into the wall again "I'm just destruction"
She climb out of bed I could see the pain pulsing through her body with every step but she ran to me. She wasn't afraid
"Please get away I'll hurt you"I begged as she held my bloody fists
" I'm not afraid of you" she said moving close to me
So close I could almost hear her heart beat. I so badly wanted to kiss her but I can't hurt her if I go beast mode suddenly. As if she read my mind.
"I'm only afraid of losing you" she whispered I could barley hear it but it meant everything to me.
Her lips were inches away from mine. I wanted them so badly but what if I hurt her. What if I couldn't protect her. Her lips came crashing down onto mine with passion and love I've never felt before. I picked her up and later her onto the bed not breaking the kiss.
"I can't hurt you we'll finish this later mama"I whispered
We stayed there for hours.
Guys comment on my stories I'm loosing passion to the story
Ughhhh next few chapter might be ;) hot

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