One or the Other

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-Later in the Tower 1:46am-
"Jesus Christ not again" I groaned rolling out of bed
I met the rest of the titans in the kitchen while three. The spices container was on the floor and Raven was on the counter well pushed up against the counter by BEAST BOY!!
My heart and head just felt numb. it was like I wasn't there but was watching above.
Robin cleared his throat and both heroes turned looking bewildered. Raven looked happy and and so did Beast boy.
He turned and saw me and his smile faded. I had no emotion on my face I couldn't feel my body.
"BRO WHAT ARE YOU DOING"cyborg yelled at Beastboy
"What"he said all squeaky
"He means you have had the thing with y/n from the moment she arrived with her father the Batman" Starfire said crossing her arms
"Just Batman" Robin said snaking his arm around her waist
"Hey guys it's fine" I finally was able to move "we didn't really have a thing it's not like we kissed or had any moments" I said looking directly at Beastboy
"Y/n don't do that"he said stepping closer
"Do what" I played dumb
"Say it was nothing it was something" he said directly between me and Raven
"It couldn't have been something cause not even 6 hours ago you kissed me and now your grinding Raven right where we eat" I said trying to keep my cool
"You bitch all you think about is yourself."she half yelled as she levitated in the air
"You just waltzed in here and thought Beastboy was all yours I've been through this before with Terra and I won" she screamed as you used her powers to create a hand and try to grab me

In a flash I was behind her and her arms and mouth were covered in vines and a special poison flower that dulls powers.
"Was that the part where I was supposed to be scared?" I asked
"You learned how to pull your two powers together" Beastboy smirked walking to me
I winched as he sauntered towards me thinking he could do no wrong. As quick as ever I vined him and had him hang from the ceiling beside Raven without the dulling flowers.
"You two have each other" I fake smiled and walked back to my room
I let the vines fall off The two lovers as I closed my door. The click of lock let all the emotions I felt just explode from inside me. I fell to the ground my heart felt like it wasn't beating. I just screamed and cried I couldn't feel anything. Vines shot all over the room and thorns grew from them. They shot out every time my heart beated reminding me of how real and raw it was.
I felt strong arms wrap around me I just cried into them. The person put his chin on my shoulder and I saw black spiked hair fall down. Robin. I cried into his strong arms for what may have been hours until I fell asleep.
I woke up with my head still on Robins shoulders he had my arms pinned to my side even though he was asleep himself. I looked at the clock it was 12 in the afternoon. I started to cry.
"Hey hey hey shhhh"he said in his deep morning voice
"No it's not Beastboy"I whimpered
"Then what is it"he said turning me around to face him
"You your just such a good brother. You stayed with me all night even though it's not your problem" I cried
"Hey it was mostly do you didn't tear the tower down with your vines" he said brushing the complaint off
"Hey I'm sorry I was such a dick when we were growing up. I didn't like having dad actually train with you but send me off to a school for someone else to train me." I said
"It's fine I understood. I was the adopted kid and just came In taking attention." He replied
"Thanks again" I said hugging him
He looked kinda giddy when I let go. He opened the door and left. I leaned against the door frame watching him half jump skip to Star and see him tell her that we bonded and are friends now. I laughed as the door closed behind me. How am I gonna get over Beastboy. I mean that wouldn't be as horrible but I live with him and him and Raven are gonna be all clingy.

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